Partitioning issue

  • I have inherited a table partitioning scheme (using SQL Server 2005), in which I just noticed some unexpected behavior (although it may have been like this all along). Basically, we are intending to keep data partitioned by month, each on its own file group. For example:

    January data (and earlier) in fg1

    February data in fg2

    March data (and beyond) in fg3

    Then, on a monthly basis, we would like to remove and drop the first partition and filegroup (in this case fg1) and create and populate a new partition and filegroup (in this case, fg4).

    The unexpected behavior we are encountering is this: when creating and ‘splitting’ into filegroup fg4, we expect that April data would go in there and that March data would remain in filegroup fg3. However we are seeing just the opposite; the April data is going into filegroup fg3 and the March data is going into filegroup fg4. I guess this behavior is consistent with how the partition scheme looks after we alter it to add fg4 (fg1, fg2, fg4, fg3), but why doesn’t fg4 get added to the end? Is this to be expected? Is it a bug? Are we doing something wrong in our process?

    Below is a sample script to simulate this, with some sample output sprinkled in.

    use master


    drop database partitiontest

    create database partitiontest

    on primary

    (name = db_dat, filename = 'R:\MNT-GEN-1\MNT-SQL-DBA-SH\DATA\db.mdf', size = 2mb),

    filegroup fg1

    (name = fg1_dat, filename = 'R:\MNT-GEN-1\MNT-SQL-DBA-SH\DATA\fg1.ndf', size = 2mb),

    filegroup fg2

    (name = fg2_dat, filename = 'R:\MNT-GEN-1\MNT-SQL-DBA-SH\DATA\fg2.ndf', size = 2mb),

    filegroup fg3

    (name = fg3_dat, filename = 'R:\MNT-GEN-1\MNT-SQL-DBA-SH\DATA\fg3.ndf', size = 2mb)

    log on

    (name = db_log, filename = 'U:\MNT-GEN-1\MNT-SQL-DBA-SH\log.ldf', size = 2mb);


    use partitiontest


    create partition function partfunc (datetime) as

    range left for values ('2/1/09 00:00:00','3/1/09 00:00:00');

    create partition scheme partscheme as

    partition partfunc to ([fg1],[fg2],[fg3]);

    create table t1

    (id int

    ,dt datetime

    ,constraint ci_t1_id primary key clustered(id,dt))

    on partscheme(dt);

    set nocount on

    declare @i int

    declare @dt datetime

    set @i = 1

    set @dt = '11/11/08 00:00:01'

    while @i <=200
    insert t1 (id,dt) select @i, @dt

    set @dt = dateadd(dd,1,@dt)

    set @i = @i + 1



    -- checking queries

    select * from sys.partitions where object_id = object_id('t1')

    select count(*) as count, min(id) as minid, max(id) as maxid, min(dt) as mindt, max(dt) as maxdt, $partition.partfunc(dt) as partition, as filegroup

    from t1

    join sys.destination_data_spaces dds on dds.destination_id = $partition.partfunc(dt)

    join sys.data_spaces ds on dds.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id

    group by $partition.partfunc(dt),



    Partition_id object_id partition_id rows




    Count minid maxid mindt maxdt part. filegroup

    821822008-11-11 00:00:01 2009-01-31 00:00:01 1 fg1

    28831102009-02-01 00:00:01 2009-02-28 00:00:01 2 fg2

    901112002009-03-01 00:00:01 2009-05-29 00:00:01 3 fg3


    ALTER DATABASE partitiontest ADD FILEGROUP [fg4]

    ALTER DATABASE partitiontest ADD FILE (name = fg4_dat, filename = 'R:\MNT-GEN-1\MNT-SQL-DBA-SH\DATA\fg4.ndf', size = 2mb) TO FILEGROUP [fg4]

    alter partition scheme partscheme next used [fg4];

    alter partition function partfunc() split range ('4/1/09 00:00:00');

    -- checking queries

    select * from sys.partitions where object_id = object_id('t1')

    select count(*) as count, min(id) as minid, max(id) as maxid, min(dt) as mindt, max(dt) as maxdt, $partition.partfunc(dt) as partition, as filegroup

    from t1

    join sys.destination_data_spaces dds on dds.destination_id = $partition.partfunc(dt)

    join sys.data_spaces ds on dds.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id

    group by $partition.partfunc(dt),



    Partition_id object_id partition_id rows





    Count minid maxid mindt maxdt part. Filegroup

    821822008-11-11 00:00:01 2009-01-31 00:00:01 1 fg1

    28831102009-02-01 00:00:01 2009-02-28 00:00:01 2 fg2

    311111412009-03-01 00:00:01 2009-03-31 00:00:01 3 fg4

    591422002009-04-01 00:00:01 2009-05-29 00:00:01 4 fg3


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