SSIS Multiple source and destination

  • here I have a senario, I need to create a package, source to multiple destination, but it is some tricky, i need to transfer data from source1 to dest1 then that dest1 becomes source for destination2. Is it possible. I dont want to transfer a data from one source to multiple destination at a same time.

  • Yes, your package will simply contain multiple Data Flow tasks.

    Set up your 1st Data Flow task normally.

    For the 2nd Data Flow task, the connection manager used in the Destination of your 1st Data Flow task will be used as the Source.

  • now in this senario how do i run the package. if i run a package, both the data flow task start executing. now in my senario, i need to load data from oracle to sql1 and again sql1 to sql2. so after loading data from oracle to sql1 gets completed then i need to load from sql1 to sql2. so how do i execute the package.

  • Click on your 1st Data Flow task. See the green arrow on the bottom? Drag & drop the arrow onto the 2nd Data Flow task. This will set up a precedence constraint so the 2nd Data Flow task won't execute until the 1st Data Flow task has completed.

  • Are the multiple destinations independent of each other?

    Running in parallel might be a better option if they are ...

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • thanks for your response, now i have one more concern, while loading a data I have to first truncate the table and then load the data on table. in my senario I truncate the first from table then load the data from source to dest. then again trunate the 2nd dest table and load a data from previous dest table. when i execute a package the first 'execute sql task' becomes greeen, does it mean it is truncating the first table even the package is getting failure? I dont want to truncate anything in case of package failure?

  • Yes multiple destination is diffrent, like my first dest is sql1 and ultimatly it becomes source for destination sql2.

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