Script for SQL Job Schedule Details

  • Hi

    Can someone please help to get the script to list all the SQL jobs scheduled to run for a particular Date?

    Thanks in Advance


  • select, s.next_run_date, s.next_run_time

    from dbo.sysjobschedules s join dbo.sysjobs j

    on s.job_id = j.job_id

    where s.next_run_date = 20090623


  • Thanks Greg, this script will return immediate next run time of a job, but I am looking for a script which would retrun all the scheduled jobs for a particular given date (future date).

    Ex: I want to know what are all jobs are going to run on 06/25/2009?



  • Did you try running it? It will return all the jobs that are scheduled to run on 06/23/2009. Change the date to the 25th and run it in msdb (I forgot to include 'use msdb' in the script).


  • Hello Shuaib-641712 -

    did you ever figure out how to do this? I am looking for the same tool.



  • Thanks, Greg, that was something I was looking for too!

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