extract XML values from multilanguage xml string storage

  • Hi,

    I have a number of descriptive tables that store multi-language XML strings like:


    to extract the string "Somevalue1", I use an expression like:

    SUBSTRING(PP.Name, CHARINDEX('1033', PP.Name) + 6, CHARINDEX('', PP.Name)-6-CHARINDEX('1033', PP.Name)) as PF_Name

    which is doing alright when 1033 is positioned before 1043. However, I want to be sure I can rely on a mechanism that can cope with more languages (or another order in which they are stored)

    Love to get some input for this one..

  • I've not done much with XML so thought I would have a play and came up with this:

    declare @xml as xml

    set @xml = '





    select @xml

    SELECT nref.value('text[1]', 'varchar(500)') [text]

    FROM @xml.nodes('//translation') AS R(nref)

    WHERE nref.exist('.[@language = "1023"]') = 1

    declare @language as varchar(4)

    set @language = '1023'

    declare @SQL as varchar(5000)

    set @sql =

    'declare @xml as xml

    set @xml = ''





    SELECT nref.value(''text[1]'', ''varchar(500)'') [text]

    FROM @xml.nodes(''//translation'') AS R(nref)

    WHERE nref.exist(''.[@language = "'+@language +'"]'') = 1'

    print @sql

    exec (@SQL)

    The ONLY way I could get it to work though was to wrap the "somevalue" in another XML tag, in this case

  • Should have added

    There is a lot of material here:


  • Posted too quick (and I hate not getting something working!!)

    declare @xml as xml

    set @xml = '





    declare @language as int

    set @language = 1023

    SELECT R.nref.value('.[1]', 'varchar(500)') [text]

    FROM @xml.nodes('/translations/translation') AS R(nref)

    WHERE R.nref.value('@language', 'varchar(500)') = cast(@language as varchar(4))

  • No need for dynamic SQL

    DECLARE @language VARCHAR(4)

    SET @language = '1023'

    SELECT r.value('.','varchar(100)') AS Value

    FROM @xml.nodes('/TRANSLATIONS/TRANSLATION[@language=sql:variable("@language")]/TEXT') AS x(r)

    Also the XML isn't valid, the attributes are missing double quotes


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

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  • Mark (5/18/2009)

    No need for dynamic SQL


    I got it working without the dynamic SQL 2 minutes later and corrected my post 😀

    I can't get your version working though... doesn't return anything

  • Ahum,

    The xml expression itself is stored as a nvarchar(max) type and not as an xml datatype. I guess that means that the xml type of query expressions will not work?

  • Try this, no extra TEXT elements

    declare @xml as xml

    set @xml = '





    DECLARE @language VARCHAR(4)

    SET @language = '1023'

    SELECT r.value('.','varchar(100)') AS Value

    FROM @xml.nodes('/TRANSLATIONS/TRANSLATION[@language=sql:variable("@language")]') AS x(r)

    Double quotes around attributes seem to get removed inside "Code" tags


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum

  • blom0344 (5/18/2009)


    The xml expression itself is stored as a nvarchar(max) type and not as an xml datatype. I guess that means that the xml type of query expressions will not work?

    you can cast it as an XML data type

    select *

    into #temp1

    from (

    select '




    ' xmlcol

    union all

    select '




    ' xmlcol)t1

    declare @language as int

    set @language = 1033


    (SELECT R.nref.value('.[1]', 'varchar(500)') [text]

    FROM xmlcol.nodes('/translations/translation') AS R(nref)

    WHERE R.nref.value('@language', 'varchar(500)') = cast(@language as varchar(4))) as col1

    from (select cast(xmlcol as xml) as xmlcol from #temp1 ) T1

    drop table #temp1

  • The following is what I got at the moment:

    select temp.id,temp.xmlname.value('(//Translations/Translation[@Language = "1043"])[1]','nvarchar(max)') from

    (select id, cast(name as xml) as xmlname from someschema.sometable) temp

    Still do not understand why the [1] is needed though

  • Does that even work for you?

    It's not returning anything when I run it on my test table

  • It does exactly what I want ,when I specify the right languagecode.

  • blom0344 (5/18/2009)

    It does exactly what I want ,when I specify the right languagecode.

    Bizarre - its not doing anything for me 😀

    To answer your other question the [1] tells the XML parser which of the potential XML nodes to return in the case of there being several potential candidates, you want the first one.

  • That is a bit scary, cause I want to make sure that it will work over at customers.

    Would it be too much to ask to try my table download in the attachment?

    Much obliged..

  • What you have is fine...

    Where the [1] comes to play is, suppose you have the following XML:



    Home Based

    when you match on Language = "1033" there are 2 possible Translation tags relating to "Residential" and "Home Based"

    The [1] tells the XML parser to take "Residential" as this is the first one it encounters

    If you changed the [1] to [2] it will use "Home Based"

    What you need to ensure is that each language code is unique within each XML block

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