could not bulk insert

  • Could not bulk insert because file 'C:\csvame.txt' could not be opened. Operating system error code 3(The system cannot find the path specified.).

    hi i got the above error while insert bulk txt file. Previously i put c drive this file and got the error that "could not bulk insert.FIle "C:ame.txt" does not exist.

    After that i gave sharing permission to the folder name csv and put the file name.txt. Now i got the above error.

    Friends if you know any idea, tell me.

    Hope yours reply.

  • Hi Ashok,

    Is the C: drive that you have placed the file onto the same C: drive that SQL Server is using? If your SQL Server is running from another server or suchlike it will be looking at the C: drive of that machine.

  • hi thanks for your reply. so where i put the file and how can i insert bulk??

  • You need to put the file either on the db server or another server (UNC) which the db server can access.

    In your case put it in the C drive of the machine in which sql server is running. Lookup BOL for more details.

    "Keep Trying"

  • Bulk Insert in it's most basic form:

    Create a temporary table that reflects the structure of the data you are inserting.

    Place the text file you are importing onto a drive that is on the same machine that SQL Server is installed on.

    BULK INSERT ##temptable

    FROM 'c:\filename.csv'

    WITH (FieldTerminator = '',

    RowTerminator= ''


    There's not a great deal to a basic Bulk Insert. BOL and this site should have plenty of examples.

  • yes i did.I put in the db server.

    but i got same exception.

    BULK INSERT checkcsv




  • hi i created ##tempTable also and check it. same exception occured.

  • BULK INSERT checkcsv

    FROM 'C:\foldername\IWSQLDBame.txt'



    Specify the correct drive where i have put "C:\" and put the correct folderpath in "foldername" and try.

    "Keep Trying"

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