Policy Based Management (PBM)

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Policy Based Management (PBM)

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  • The question is partially wrong.. Since there is an option to store the policies in an XML file, it should say "IF stored in a database.." or perhaps make reference to 'active policies" because it's entirely possible to go looking for and not find any policies in MSDB if they've been exported and stored in XML files.

    it's perhaps a technicality, but many of these questions seem to hinge on that sort of thing. As I understand it, there are a number of example 'best practices' sort of policies shipped with 2008, and they are all 'stored' (in the true sense of storing something that's not being used) in XML form.

  • Maybe I am reading it wrong, but it looks to me that if the policy isn't in msdb it can't be used. If this isn't true, please let me know.

  • Lynn Pettis (2/18/2009)

    Maybe I am reading it wrong, but it looks to me that if the policy isn't in msdb it can't be used. If this isn't true, please let me know.

    That's now I read it also.

    You'd mostly store a policy to xml format in order to copy it to another server.. or perhaps as a way to archive and document older versions of policies in case you needed to roll back to them at some point. It might in fact be rather prudent to export a policy to an xml as a way to store a backup of the policy, before making changes to it.

  • Nice clean question and nice clean answer.

    I think the "policy stored in XML file" thing is a complete red herring - if the policy isn't in MSDB it isn't a real policy, just something from which a real policy can be generated.


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