Error 32023 while editing the Log Shipping Configuration

  • Hi,

    I am trying to change the configuration for log shipping on the primary server I get the following error.

    An entry for primary server (PrimaryServerName)primary database (PrimaryDatabaseName) does not exist on this secondary. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 32023)

    Please suggest how to change the configuration after the log shipping has already been setup.

  • What configuration you want to change?

  • I want to change two settings for the Log Shipping Configuration --

    1. Delete Files Older Than setting for the LS_Backup Job

    2. Delete Copied FIles Older Than setting for the LS_Copied Job

    Do I need to Remove the LS configuration totally and reconfigure?


  • You don't have to reconfigure entire logshipping for this.

    You can change the settings in 2 different ways.

    1st Method.

    1st step Execute this command on your primary server for changing retention value of backup files on primary server

    exec master.dbo.sp_change_log_shipping_secondary_database @database =

    2nd step.

    Execute this command on your secondary server for changing retention value of copied backup files on secondary server

    exec master.dbo.sp_change_log_shipping_secondary_primary

    @primary_server = ,

    @primary_database = ,

    @file_retention_period =

    2nd Method.

    Right click database for which value needs to be changed then select tasks and ship Transaction logs.

    Logshipping configuration window pops up.

    For deleting files on primary server, click the backup setting and modify the value under delete files older than heading.

    For deleting files on secondary server, click secondary server ellipsis button for which value needs to be changed here modify the value under copy files.

  • Thanks but I already got it fixed using UI.

  • I am getting same error when I am changing from restoring mode to readonly mode.


  • It has now showing in Readonly/Standby mode automatically.


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