Assign a single column query value to SSIS variable

  • Hi

    I have created the following

    OLEDB Connection to the database

    variable --> user::GetName

    Exec SQL Task --> Select Top 1 contactname from contacts where contactname like 's%'

    How do I assign this select query single row value that is Contactname to the variable User::GetName.


  • you need to do two things:

    1) Modify your query as Select Top 1 contactname as GetName from contacts where contactname like 's%'

    2)Change the 'ResultSet' property of your execute SQL task to Single row

    Now go to the result set tab of your execute SQL task and map your query result to the user variable.

    This should work.



  • Thanks... but doesn't work

    I get the error--> The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::GetName" differs from the current variable type

    I have declared user::GetName as string (under variables) and connection is OLEDB

    I set Result set property to Single Row & also set the Result Name GetName to Variable Name User::GetName

  • What is the datatype for the column contactname?

    Check if your query is returning some data or not.

  • There is a really good tutorial page here ->

    As have been said above

    1. check there is a result from the SQL

    2. check the result set is set to single row.

    3. on the reult set tab check the variable name is correct and that the result name is set to 0

    4. Then its down to the variable type

    hope this helps you.


  • Thanks for the URL... good one.

    My example still doesn't work.

    I declared user variable as GetName String

    and contactName in the table is varchar and selecting only top 1 values which is signle value.

    I can see the correct values from the select statement in the watch window when I debug. But still get the Error

    "The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::GetName" differs from the current variable type"

    Execute SQL Task: The wrapper was unable to set the value of the variable specified in the ExecutionValueVariable property.

  • Just one question In the Execute SQL Task Editor, go to the Result Set Tab.

    Result Name should be 0 and variable name User::GetName

    Is this true?

    ( I am assuming your sql is select top1 contactname from ....)



  • beats me...

    if you are doing exactly what you are saying then thr is no reason it shud not work..

  • Thanks for all your help. It works now.

    I did the example at home on my home PC (didn't work at home). Tested the same copy at my office PC and didn't work either.

    I created similar NEW package at office and it works.

  • YEP , it worked perfectly for me..i was selecting the RESULTSET to None instead of SINGLE ROW...........thanks a ton PANKAJ...........


  • When the SSIS Variable type is String, and you use OLEDB connection for the Execute SQL Task, the datatype of the result of the query should be Nvarchar or Nchar.

    The Convert to NVarChar did the job for me...


    CASE WHEN [StatusVarchar] IS NULL THEN 'Geen' ELSE CONVERT(NVARCHAR, StatusVarchar) End AS Result

    FROM [dbo].[SSIS_Status]

    WHERE StatusProjectVariant = 'mah_v2'

    AND StatusSleutel = 'Exception'

  • For me, I was getting this same error because my query was unintentionally returning a varchar(max) data type. Apparently that will cause SSIS to return this error as well. I fixed it by casting the value in the query.

  • Is the original data column a varchar(max)? If so, this shows some of the potential hazard with using that data type instead of restricting it to some appropriate amount.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

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