Excel Formula Query

  • Hi Guys,

    A bit off the topic but thought you might be able to help.

    I have thousands of lines like below and I'm trying to clean them. I need to remove everything before and including the third dash (-). Please could someone give me an excel formula I can apply to all the cells to help achieve this.

    I have given the original lines below and the desired state.

    Thanks a lot!



    02-C05-00-000-OH Operations overheads

    02-C05-160-000-Ops-Overheads-Pat Kleinhans


    000-OH Operations overheads

    000-Ops-Overheads-Pat Kleinhans

  • Hi Brad,

    This should work:

    =MID(A1, FIND("-", A1, FIND("-", A1, FIND("-", A1, 1)+1)+1)+1, LEN(A1) - FIND("-", A1, FIND("-", A1, FIND("-", A1, 1)+1)+1))

    There may be an easier way to do it

    Oddly enough something like this turned up at work yesterday! So I had been looking up FIND in Excel, as data comes from Excel first, and we have to get the data right before importing into SQL (3rd party data import tool)


  • Thanks Rodders!!

  • Hi Roddders

    Thank you for the formula.


  • I have done this a million different ways and I always seem to get a situation where my formula's are darn near impossible to understand months later. Excel has a nice feature that allows you to roll your own worksheet functions. With this code:

    Function ParseString(Str_Pattern As String, Str_Field As String) As String

    Dim int_StrIndex As Integer 'Integer to keep track of index position of string

    Dim int_FindCount 'Tracks how many time a pattern is found

    'For loop to run through each character in string until it finds 3 matches.

    For int_StrIndex = 1 To Len(Str_Field)

    'Test to see if character matches pattern

    If Mid(Str_Field, int_StrIndex, 1) = Str_Pattern Then int_FindCount = int_FindCount + 1

    If int_FindCount = 3 Then

    'Have to increment counter 1 more position to get past the str_Pattern character

    int_StrIndex = int_StrIndex + 1

    Exit For

    End If


    'Now that the string has been iterated through, if there was 3 matches return the parsed string

    If int_FindCount = 3 Then

    ParseString = Mid(Str_Field, int_StrIndex, Len(Str_Field) - int_StrIndex)


    'If it did NOT find it atleast 3 times just return the whole string

    ParseString = Str_Field

    End If

    End Function

    The formula in excel would look like this "=ParseString("-",A1")"

    Works nicely. The one downside to this is that each time you sort the column or make changes to the VBA code, it will re-calc the formula(dont beat me up if im wrong on the last one).

    Just open the VBA Editor (Alt+F11) insert a module in the workbook you are using, and paste this code into. You can take this a step further and make an add-in out of it and bingo, its available for all your workbooks.

    If you would like help let me know its a simple process.

    Please forgive the LIBERAL use of commenting. I automate excel quite a bit and always get asked how I did something, so when they go to look back through it they understand.

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