Restoring Across Servers

  • Hi,

    I am trying to restore a Database of which I have taken backup in the default location. The db is in a server instance which is the default instance of my machine.

    I want to restore it to another named instance on my local machine.

    It doesnt show the backup file in the UI and when directly given the path to file - It is giving the following error

    The Database Engine service could not resolve the specified file location. Either the

    location does not exist, or the current login account does not have access to it. Verify

    that the file location exists, and that the login account has permissions on it.

    I use a domain account and have Windows Authentication for logging into the servers. Could this be some permissions issue?

  • Could be permissions. Dont' forget that you're asking the SQL Server to do the work, it's not your account. The service account must be able to see the backup file.

  • - apparentley you are using SSMS to try to restore the dbs.

    It will use the connected instances service account authority to query the backup locations.

    With sql2005 that access is restricted to the "known" directories;

    If you grant the new insances service account read auth to the backup folder of the "old" instance, you'll be able to use it.

    IMO you will be better of by just copying the .bak files from the backup folder of the old instance to the new instances backup folder. (because you don't need to grant anything)


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  • Hi,

    How to check which service account has which which permissions on a folder. And how to grant permission in case we want to.

    My Default instance is running under the LocalSystem log on. Named instance is running under NTAUTHORITY\NetworkService log on.


  • Even though you can't browse to the path to select it, you can use Copy-Paste to enter the path you want.

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