Caculating Average

  • Hi there,

    I have a table which holds data over a time like this

    AreaId 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

    345 23 26 67 86 98 45 47 78 78 54

    456 54 36 54 45 65 56 87 67 76 86

    678 45 24 34 45 64 33 34 45 78 85

    890 23 52 43 24 52 64 64 78 86 56

    789 34 53 67 75 74 32 35 74 67 94

    How do I calculate the average for Areas across time, like 60,2 for AreaId 345 or 54,2 for AreaID 456?

    And how do I caluculate the overall average for all the numbers, which is 57,24?

    Best Regards Joejoe

  • i'm not saying this is the best way, but this is a good starting point. basically, this is treating your original table as a pivot, then it's just unpivoting and running averages.


    -- create the table with the values

    create table #TempAvg (AreaID int null, [1993] int null,[1994] int null,[1995] int null,[1996] int null,[1997] int null,[1998] int null, [1999] int null, [2000] int null,[2001] int null,[2002] int null)

    insert into #TempAvg Values (345, 23, 26, 67, 86, 98, 45, 47, 78,78,54)


    insert into #TempAvg Values (456, 54, 36, 54, 45, 65, 56, 87, 67, 76, 86)


    insert into #TempAvg Values (678, 45, 24, 34, 45, 64, 33, 34, 45, 78, 85)


    insert into #TempAvg Values (890, 23, 52, 43, 24, 52, 64, 64, 78, 86, 56)


    insert into #TempAvg Values (789, 34, 53, 67, 75, 74, 32, 35, 74, 67, 94)



    -- show the values



    -- create a holding table

    CREATE TABLE #TempUnPivotAvg (AreaID INT NULL, YearNum INT NULL, Total DECIMAL(4,2) NULL)

    -- unpivot the original table to get 3 columns: areaid, year and total

    INSERT INTO #TempUnPivotAvg

    SELECTAreaID, YearNum, Total


    SELECTAreaID, [1993],[1994],[1995],[1996],[1997],[1998],[1999],[2000],[2001],[2002]


    ) TempPivot



    Total FOR YearNum IN ([1993],[1994],[1995],[1996],[1997],[1998],[1999],[2000],[2001],[2002])

    ) AS TempUnPivot

    -- show averages



    WHEREAreaID = 345



    DROP TABLE #TempUnPivotAvg

    if you add new rows to your original table, you'll have to modify the unpivot to allow for that. but now you can calc averages by areaid/year, you can do sums, etc.

    hope this helps...


  • Hi Lenny,

    This is very elegant, and exactly what I needed. I had something like cursor & loops in my mind, but this is much more handy.

    Thanks alot & have a nice weekend


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