SQL Server 2005 Logins

  • In SQL Server 2005, when I attempt to create a Login using a 'user' created account, I get a 15401 error. In other words, I can only add 'BUILTIN' accounts that Windows automatically creates as SQL Server Logins.

    The exact error is:

    Windows NT user or group 'TITANFCI\Domain Users' not found. Check the name again. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15401)

    I have been through Microsoft's "How to troubleshoot error 15401 (Article ID : 324321)" located at http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=324321 but none of this information applies to me. I have also been working the Microsoft Tech Support and have eliminated Active Directory as a potential problem. I have SQL Developer Edition installed on my workstation and I do not have these problems. So, I am fairly confident that the problem is specific to this instance of SQL Server installed on the Primary Domain Controller.

    We are a small, single domain and single server company. SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition is installed on the domain controller. Unfortunately, I did not perform this install so I can not vouch for its integrity.

    Any thoughts what is happening here?

  • Oh geez I don't know man... let me think... I'm sure by now that you've covered the basics of making sure the users have windows rights, right? If you're working with support I'm not sure there's much I can add.

    But definitely let me know how it comes out and if I come up with anything I'll let you know too.

    Maybe put the users in the local admin group just to test it out? You know, just to make sure it's not a perm issue. But that's pretty much all I've got.

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  • Thanks for the response.

    If I can every determine the problem and resulting solution, I will post it here for future reference.

    I have been working with Microsoft Tech Support for about week now and I am slowly moving up the ladder to more skilled techs. So hopefully, I will be able to get a resolution.

  • Does anybody know how to resolve this issue? I am having the same issue and cannot get around it. Thanks.

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