SQL service terminates.

  • The SQL service is terminating on the server, not so frequently though.

    Error logged is :

    Event Type: Error

    Event Source: Service Control Manager

    Event Category: None

    Event ID: 7031

    Date: 6/19/2008

    Time: 9:40:14 AM

    User: N/A



    The SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER) service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 6 time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in 60000 milliseconds: Restart the service.

    The service restarts automatically within a couple of minutes.

    What makes the service terminate ?

    How do I resolve this issue ?



  • You can check Reporting Services logs for additional information. Log files path example is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\LogFiles

  • I did check ... and there is nothing logged in which will help me out ...

  • Are you running some huge Reports/Queries.

    Are you connecting to another HOST(Remote Login/Linked Server)

    are you making connections to other RDBMS systems. ORACLE etc.

    If Linked Server Check the Provider Properties and Uncheck the Allow IN Process Property.

    Also Look for your MSDTC Service Status.

    Need to Restart the MSDTC Service in Control Panel->Administrative Tools->component Services and double click unless you reach My Computer-> right Click and Properties, than goto MSDTC Tab and then Security Configurations Link/Button. Under Transaction Manager Communications check "Allow inbound" and "Allow Outbound". Restart MSDTC. Let me know if this Worked and also post answers to my questions above...

  • The reports are not that huge ... usually they get rendered in 5 mins (average)

    The data pulled for the reports is from other systems, and not necessarily on the same network ..

    I will try your suggestions and let you know the results ...

    Thansk 🙂

  • Mani Singh (6/23/2008)

    If Linked Server Check the Provider Properties and Uncheck the Allow IN Process Property.

    Be sure your provider will work without In Process checked. Some providers require this be checked as they cannot run outside of the SQL Server process. Unfortunately, for those providers, it can destabilize your SQL Server. DB2 for Linux is one such example. If Allow In Process is not checked, your queries will not work (and it does bad things to SQL).

  • Unfortunally I have the same problem here and until now I don't management to resolve it 🙁

    But I know that the problem occurs only if I activate a Job who EXECS a SP that have a DLL created inside. So, I turnoff this Job and then the problem stop.

    Well, I really wanna know what's wrong because a simple SP can make SQL Server stop to work :crying:

  • If SSRS is idle for a certain period of time, would it make the service stop ? Or perhaps even makes IIS stop. Then maybe when an event occurs, it causes to start service again.

    Thoughts ?

  • Any more analysis or suggestions ?

  • I scanned the securtiy logs and have come across a peculiar event logged.

    I can see that the logon/logoff event is logged several times and it is done so by the SQL service itself :crazy:

    Is this known ? Has anyone observed this ?

    Could this logging off by the service eventually lead to the service termination ?


    Ninad Soman.

  • Try to set verbose logging for the Reporting Services to get more information. The default logging level is "3 - information". Set it to "4" in the [systems.diagnostics] node of the located in the ReportingServicesService.exe.config file (\Reporting Services\Report Server\Bin folder).

  • I observe the following error in the security logs:

    Event Type:Failure Audit

    Event Source:Security

    Event Category:Object Access

    Event ID:560


    Time:3:30:00 AM




    Object Open:

    Object Server:SC Manager

    Object Type:SERVICE OBJECT

    Object Name:ReportServer

    Handle ID:-

    Operation ID:{0,772040960}

    Process ID:432

    Image File Name:C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe

    Primary User Name:Servername$

    Primary Domain:domain name

    Primary Logon ID:(0x0,0x3E7)

    Client User Name:NETWORK SERVICE

    Client Domain:NT AUTHORITY

    Client Logon ID:(0x0,0x3E4)

    Accesses:Query service configuration information

    Query status of service

    Query information from service


    Restricted Sid Count:0

    Access Mask:0x85

    Could this be related to the service termination ?

    Thank you,

    Ninad Soman

  • Ater months of close monitoring this cause was found -

    There was a customized report rendered in the .CSV format, which brings about a Million rows. This report renders to a CSV format. CSV rendering means everything is in memory until the whole report is rendered.

    At the same time there were other subscriptions being kicked off. All this started a chain of events - 1. Committed Bytes increasing dramatically, indicating increased memory usage, can be seen.

    2. Page File usage shoots up greatly.

    3. Errors start to appear “SQL Server Reporting Services terminate unexpectedly”

    4. Intermittent connectivity issues appear with the backend SQL Server and DB server. Also

    messages for DW’s Data sources unable to connect because the max pool size has been reached.

    All this took the system downhill, with Virtual Mem becoming too low.

    Thanks to all your comments above. 🙂

  • Hi All, I am getting the same behavior from my SSRS box once a month. Other then the event ID 7031 I am seeing the following errors in the SQL logs:

    "ReportingServicesService!library!4!3/10/2009-10:30:57:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonDumpOnExceptions to 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException,Microsoft.ReportingServices.Modeling.InternalModelingException' as specified in Configuration file.

    ReportingServicesService!library!4!3/10/2009-10:30:57:: i INFO: Initializing WatsonDumpExcludeIfContainsExceptions to 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' as specified in Configuration file"

    After restarting the SSRS service everything works, but I am trying to find out why does it hang.

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