• Best place to post it as it doesnt warrant its own topic. If I have basic files for my databases (no file groups) and I execute fn_virtualfilesatats() against all databases, the data that is returned is cumulative from what point? The last checkpoint/log flush/instace restart? It would help me get a grip on the databases at my new job until I can get anaylsys services implemented and run your excellent solution.

    But first I have to move all of the databases to new sql2005 servers and test the apps against them.

    They have never had a full time DBA so I have a ton of work to do but need some basic insight into what are my busiest databases so I can better load balance when moving them to the new servers.

    Management has no idea what activity is occuring on what database so I cant wait to get your solution implemented. Unfortunately, I am limited on time and prirorities. They are pushing to get everything moved over but I am holding out until I can benchmark the new servers with sqlio and find what databases are doing what so I know where to put them....pretty basic stuff....

    your assistance in helping me understand the output I am getting would be appreciated

    here is a sample attached.
