SQL trace

  • Hi all,

    i have a trace huge trace file, now i want to save it in a table but it gives the following error

    " Multiple step OLEDB generated Error. Check OLEDB status if available.

    Any help in this regard will be helpful

  • Hi

    On the trace file - you can change the proprties, i.e. change the selection of what events are shown, you may want to filter out the transactions and import section by section.

    So if you have Security, Stored Procs and TSQL sections - deselect everything and only select TSQL and save that into a table and do each section until you either find the section that contains the error or each section gets saved to a table.

    Let us know how it goes



  • Thanks Kevin,

    I did try it... and only after i removed storedprocedure it started working.

    I also used the following script


    INTO dbo.MyTraceTable

    FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('C:\SqlTraces\MyTrace.trc', DEFAULT)"

    even here it gives some error message as

    'Unexpected end of tracefile." now how to track which entry has problem.


  • generally that error means that your trace file is still being used/added to. You need to close the trace file then run the INTO table statement.

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