• I found this article very timely for me. I have a SQL function that does basic Proper casing of names and some matching criteria for the hundreds (eventually thousands I am guessing) of exceptions. In processing 18,197 rows with 6 calls to the function per select statement to change potential names the CURSOR ran 2x as fast as the "ARRAY". After reading the article, I am quite confused by this. Below is the code with the cursor

    select statement

    select name1,


    ... to name6

    ... set up and simple exlcusion stuff


    SELECT Oldval, Cvtval FROM Proper_exceptions

    where loc = 'M' order by sort

    OPEN properex

    FETCH NEXT FROM properex

    INTO @old, @new

    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.



    select @outputstring = replace(@outputstring,@old,@new)

    -- This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds.

    FETCH NEXT FROM properex

    INTO @old, @new


    CLOSE properex

    DEALLOCATE properex

    -- the table variable

    ... same set up and simple exclusion stuff


    RowID INT IDENTITY(1, 1),

    ov VARCHAR(100),

    nv VARCHAR(50))

    /*Local variables */

    DECLARE @old VARCHAR(100),

    @new VARCHAR(50),

    @ctr int, /*create local @@fetch_status*/

    @cRow int /*row pointer (index)*/

    /* create array simulator */

    INSERT @tbl (ov,nv)

    SELECT Oldval, Cvtval FROM Common.dbo.Proper_exceptions

    where loc = 'M'

    order by sort

    set @ctr = @@ROWCOUNT

    set @cRow = 1

    WHILE @cRow <= @ctr


    select @old = ov, @new = nv from @tbl

    where RowId = @cRow

    select @outputstring = replace (@outputstring,@old,@new)

    set @cRow = @cRow + 1


    -- the current size of the table is only 310 rows

    after post comment - I should have read all the posts before adding mine. Sounds like cursors are more efficient in this case. I would appreciate other suggestions to my issue at hand. In try to proper case words - I already have a basic upper case first letter lower case the rest. I need an efficient way to loop through all my other criteria. For example for the name JOHN SMITH IV, CEO, CFO after the first pass would look like John Smith Iv Ceo, Cfo. I have a table with 'M' atching values of

    _ = blanks

    part of list of 300 match replacements

    _ceo_ = _CEO_

    _cfo_ = _CFO_

    _Iv_ = _IV_

    After passing thru all the replacements the final word is

    John Smith IV CEO, CFO

    Is there an easier way to process all of the potential replacements. Using the like statement I have filtered out all potential replacement words that do not have a letter match for the given word. For example the like clause for the example shown is %[johnsmitvcef]%.