MS BI-Passing date from Date picker (Reports ) to MDX query using SSAS

  • Hi,

    Currently I am working on SSRS using SSAS for reports. When I pass date from Date picker from SSRS to MDX query. It gives error. Does any one can help me to sort out that issue.

    Thanks in Advance

    Shail Shrivastava

  • What is the error you are getting?

  • The Error is "The Property 'Valid Values' for report parameter does not have expected data type." I think MDX does support the date time data type and accept the string for date. Please let me know.

  • Hi

    we are having the same issue. Has anyone figured it out or is it a feature of RS with MDX ?


  • I believe the MDX query is actually using a formatted version of the date, rather than the datetime value passed via the calendar date-picker. I resolved this in my reportby editing the data set - in the parameters tab, I formatted the date by setting the value of the Parameter to:

    ="[DATE DIMENSION].[Date].&[" & Format(CDate(Parameters!FromDATEDIMENSIONDate.Value),"yyyy-MM-dd") & "T00:00:00]"

    My date dimension is called DATE DIMENSION, and the parameter name is "FromDATEDIMENSIONDate"

    Hope this helps.


  • Just to confirm for people:

    MDX indeed DOES NOT support the datetime format in the manner you may be expecting. To understand that, you'll notice that there are MDX fuinctions like StrToMember(@parm) and StrToValue(@parm) but no DateTimetoMember(@parm). (Get it??)

    (BTW, there's no NumToMember(@parm) for similiar reasons.)

    It's helpful to remember that MSRS was perhaps designed first with relatgional concepts in mind. That's evident from a number of perspectives:

    - MSRS deals with flattened result sets. MSAS data has to be flattened before being consumed by MSRS.

    - When using measures, the best reference to use with MSAS is Fields!myField.FormattedValue, as opposed to Fields!myField.Value which is the default.

    - You generally have to override the default behaviors to force RS to use the values returned from the cube (i.e. aggregate values).

    - The MDX designer really isn't up to the task. It really needs to be replaced to implement proper OLAP concepts. (I always hand write the MDX for MSRS.)

    Having said that, MSRS is a great tool for operational style reports. I use it all the time.

  • Is this working????

  • Hi Marianne

    ="[DATE DIMENSION].[Date].&[" & Format(CDate(Parameters!FromDATEDIMENSIONDate.Value),"yyyy-MM-dd") & "T00:00:00]"

    My date dimension is called DATE DIMENSION, and the parameter name is "FromDATEDIMENSIONDate"

    This helps when i took Equal but fails in Range inclusive and showing error STRTOMRMBER function is voilated,

    Please help me out..


  • Has there been a resolution to this issue?

  • Hi, just wanted to point out that it is very important to find out how the members for the date store the value (like [Date].[Date].[12101225] or [Date].[Date].&[1] using key). If it stores by key then parameter expression will be very different.

  • =FORMAT(CDate(Max(IIf(((CSTR(Fields!Planned_End_Date.Value)="2050-01-01 00:00:00.000") or (CSTR(Fields!Planned_End_Date.Value)="")),"1900-01-01",Fields!Planned_End_Date.Value))),"MMM-dd-yyyy")

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