Reading IIS log files using DTS package

  • Hi,

    I've created a DTS package for reading the IIS log file daily and ported into Tables. I used Text File source for fetching the daily log files. In the text file source, i set the properties for skipping the rows of the text file as "5". So, it skipped 5 lines of the the text file and then it ported the data into tables. I scheduled the package and continously reading the log files. But, the problem is that, if the data source changes into next file, i cant set up the property for that file. So, I want to set up the property of the Text file(source) connection in the activex script. Can anyone help me to how to write the script for accessing the text file(Source) property connection.

  • Take a look at this article.[/url]

    It finds the latest file in a folder and could be adapted to your needs?


    Dave J
    "I don't know what I don't know."

  • Have you seen Log Parser? It's a free tool from Microsoft that is very useful for parsing different kinds of log files, including IIS log files. I've used it myself and it's very handy. If I understand correctly, it can also dump data from log files into a SQL Server database...might want to check it out. I suppose you could automate it from a DTS package if you really need to use DTS for some reason, or you could just forego DTS completely and just use Log Parser to dump log info into your database.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply. I also used log parser tool, but i prefer to create a DTS package and schedule the package for some reasons. Mostly, i finished the package and also i generated the report. My problem is that, if i parsing the IIS log file, in that file, the first 5 lines are not needed. I want to skip the first five lines. I heard that it is possible to skip the 5 lines using Activex Script. I generated code for latest file and everything. I just want to skip first 5 lines.

  • The 5 lines can by also in the middle of the file!!

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