error message Only the first query in a UNION statement can have a SELECT with an assignment

  • when using multiple unions get Only the first query in a UNION statement can have a SELECT with an assignment


    When I try to run the following code I get an error message that Server: Msg 8122, Level 16, State 1, Only the first query in a UNION statement can have a SELECT with an assignment

    PROCEDURE [dbo].[KB_Search] @userid varchar(30), @groups varchar(250),

    @opco varchar(50), @SearchText varchar(8000),

    @TYPE varchar(50) output, @TITLE varchar(30) output,

    @BRIEF varchar(50) output,@RANK varchar(10) output AS


    DECLARE @SelStatement varchar(8000)

    DECLARE @SearchWord2 varchar(255)

    DECLARE @SEARCHWORD varchar(255)

    SET @SEARCHWORD = RTRIM(ltrim(@SearchText))


    ---- this section will is for sending back data to search screen



    -- this will select on the Key words FTS field

    SELECT @TYPE = [T334].C777700001, @TITLE =[T334].C536870929,

    @BRIEF = [T334].C777700100, @RANK= K.[RANK]

    FROM ARSystem.dbo.T334 [T334], ARSystem.dbo.T338 [T338],

    FREETEXTTABLE(ARSystem.dbo.T334, C536870929, @SEARCHWORD) K

    WHERE [T334].C1 = K.

    and [T334].C1 = [T338].C1

    and (@opco = T338.C536870913 or @groups = T338.C536870913)


    -- this will select on the Type field

    SELECT @TYPE = [T334].C777700001, @TITLE =[T334].C536870929,

    @BRIEF = [T334].C777700100, @RANK= Y.[RANK]

    FROM ARSystem.dbo.T334 [T334], ARSystem.dbo.T338 [T338],

    FREETEXTTABLE(ARSystem.dbo.T334, C777700001, @SEARCHWORD) Y

    WHERE [T334].C1 = Y.

    and (@opco = T338.C536870913 or @groups = T338.C536870913)


    -- this will select on the brief description field

    SELECT @TYPE = [T334].C777700001, @TITLE =[T334].C536870929,

    @BRIEF = [T334].C777700100, @RANK= B.[RANK]

    FROM ARSystem.dbo.T334 [T334], ARSystem.dbo.T338 [T338],

    FREETEXTTABLE(ARSystem.dbo.T334, C777700003, @SEARCHWORD) B

    WHERE [T334].C1 = B.

    and (@opco = T338.C536870913 or @groups = T338.C536870913)


    When I have only one select it works fine. This error message does not show up to frequently on the web so can anybody seen this or knows how to solve it I would deeply Appreciate your help. I am new to ms SQLerver all my other work was done in Oracle Thanks, Jerry

  • you can only set variables in the first select of your union-select

    BTW how many rows do you expect from your select statement.

    Maybe you're better off returning a rowset.

    PROCEDURE [dbo].[KB_Search] @userid varchar(30), @groups varchar(250),

    @opco varchar(50), @SearchText varchar(8000),

    @TYPE varchar(50) output, @TITLE varchar(30) output,

    @BRIEF varchar(50) output,@RANK varchar(10) output AS


    DECLARE @SelStatement varchar(8000)

    DECLARE @SearchWord2 varchar(255)

    DECLARE @SEARCHWORD varchar(255)

    SET @SEARCHWORD = RTRIM(ltrim(@SearchText))


    ---- this section will is for sending back data to search screen



    -- this will select on the Key words FTS field

    SELECT @TYPE = [T334].C777700001, @TITLE =[T334].C536870929,

    @BRIEF = [T334].C777700100, @RANK= K.[RANK]

    FROM ARSystem.dbo.T334 [T334], ARSystem.dbo.T338 [T338],

    FREETEXTTABLE(ARSystem.dbo.T334, C536870929, @SEARCHWORD) K

    WHERE [T334].C1 = K.

    and [T334].C1 = [T338].C1

    and (@opco = T338.C536870913 or @groups = T338.C536870913)


    -- REMOVED THE @TYPE = , ...

    -- this will select on the Type field

    SELECT [T334].C777700001,[T334].C536870929,

    [T334].C777700100, Y.[RANK]

    FROM ARSystem.dbo.T334 [T334], ARSystem.dbo.T338 [T338],

    FREETEXTTABLE(ARSystem.dbo.T334, C777700001, @SEARCHWORD) Y

    WHERE [T334].C1 = Y.

    and (@opco = T338.C536870913 or @groups = T338.C536870913)


    -- this will select on the brief description field

    SELECT [T334].C777700001,[T334].C536870929,

    [T334].C777700100, B.[RANK]

    FROM ARSystem.dbo.T334 [T334], ARSystem.dbo.T338 [T338],

    FREETEXTTABLE(ARSystem.dbo.T334, C777700003, @SEARCHWORD) B

    WHERE [T334].C1 = B.

    and (@opco = T338.C536870913 or @groups = T338.C536870913)



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