how to remove numbers from strings?

  • hello,

    i have a question:

    i have a string and i need to remove the numbers from it. something like oracle's TRANSELATE.

    how i do it in T-SQL?

    thank you.

  • This ought to work. Jeff Moden helped me with a couple of these, and I think this is one of them, but I can not remember exactly, but it works. Just a UDF to omit numbers from a string. It will not touch special characters.

    CREATE FUNCTION fnDeleteNumbers (@String VARCHAR(8000))




    DECLARE @Return VARCHAR(8000)

    SET @Return = ''

    SELECT @Return = @Return+SUBSTRING(@String,N,1)

    FROM Tally

    WHERE N <= LEN(@String)

    AND SUBSTRING(@String,N,1) LIKE '%[^0-9]%'

    RETURN @Return


    LIKE '%[^0-9]% --this is the meat of it. If you only want to see numbers you can remove the '^'. Or you can say [^a-z] for removing letters, or anything you want.

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

  • Greg Snidow (10/17/2007)

    This ought to work. Jeff Moden helped me with a couple of these, and I think this is one of them, but I can not remember exactly, but it works. Just a UDF to omit numbers from a string. It will not touch special characters.

    CREATE FUNCTION fnDeleteNumbers (@String VARCHAR(8000))




    DECLARE @Return VARCHAR(8000)

    SET @Return = ''

    SELECT @Return = @Return+SUBSTRING(@String,N,1)

    FROM Tally

    WHERE N <= LEN(@String)

    AND SUBSTRING(@String,N,1) LIKE '%[^0-9]%'

    RETURN @Return


    LIKE '%[^0-9]% --this is the meat of it. If you only want to see numbers you can remove the '^'. Or you can say [^a-z] for removing letters, or anything you want.

    thanks. i'll try it. but i dont really understand the code:

    "Tally": what doest it mean? i'm selecting a string, so why FROM is required?

    "N": can i just write it like that? without declaring it anywhere?

  • Tally is a table that you need to create with the column N. The fill it with the numbers 1 to whatever you think you need. This is from the Jeff Moden toolbox and is useful in many ways.

    --copied shamelessly from a Jeff Moden Example

    --Now, before we get to the solution, we need to make a well indexed table of sequential numbers. These "Tally" or "Numbers" tables are very powerful and can help do things in SQL Server 2000 as if we were using ROWNUM from SQL Server 2005. You should make a permanent Tally table as follows... yes, this is part of the solution for this and many other "impossible" tasks...

    --===== Create and populate the Tally table on the fly

    SELECT TOP 11000 --equates to more than 30 years of dates


    INTO dbo.Tally

    FROM Master.dbo.SysColumns sc1,

    Master.dbo.SysColumns sc2

    --===== Add a Primary Key to maximize performance

    ALTER TABLE dbo.Tally



  • vadimt (10/17/2007)

    Greg Snidow (10/17/2007)

    "Tally": what doest it mean? i'm selecting a string, so why FROM is required?

    "N": can i just write it like that? without declaring it anywhere?

    I am so sorry about that, I just pasted it without really thinking about what was in it as I was closing down for the day. Mrpolecats code will create one for you, but I can not really explain how it works. I can not really do it justice, but here is a simple example

    DECLARE @String VARCHAR(100)

    SELECT @String = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@String,n,1)

    FROM tally

    WHERE n<= LEN(@String)

    The tally table is simply a table of numbers from 1 to whatever, mine goes up to 100,000, but I have never needed that much. In the above code, and in Jeff's function I posted earlier, by joining to the tally table you are able to step through the string one character at a time. For n = 1, the first number in the tally table, think of the SELECT like this: SELECT(@String,1,1). For n=2 it will be SELECT(@String,2,1). The SELECT statement is limited by restricting the n's you will use to the length of your string. In the function example, the code, by joining to the tally table, is asking itself,is the first character(n=1) a number?. Is n=2 a number? It will look at each character one at a time, and only return the ones that fit the criteria '%[^0-9]%'. I asked Jeff to explain it to me a couple of months ago, and I did not really get it. Once you start playing with it you will see what a good tool it is. Let me tell you that I am not a DBA, nor a programmer, I just know enough to keep my head dry, so I hope one of the regulars here can explain it to you better.

    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

  • perhaps function like this may help you.





    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udfTRANSELATE] (@mixedString AS varchar(max))

    RETURNS varchar(max)



    DECLARE @resultString varchar(max), @tmpString char(1), @i int, @strLen int

    SELECT @resultString='', @i=0, @strLen=len(@mixedString)

    WHILE @strLen>=@i


    SELECT @tmpString=substring (@mixedString,@i/*character index*/,1/*one character*/)

    if isnumeric(@tmpString)=0

    SELECT @resultString=@resultString+@tmpString

    SELECT @i=@i+1


    RETURN @resultString


    ISNUMERIC is the heart of the function.

    According to the BOL:

    ISNUMERIC returns 1 when the input expression evaluates to a valid integer, floating point number, money or decimal type

    So, .+- and currency signs are convertable and therefore they will be removed as well. However it would not be difficult to check for these in the input string and simply add it to the finall string.

  • Max Yasnytskyy (10/17/2007)

    ISNUMERIC is the heart of the function.

    According to the BOL:

    ISNUMERIC returns 1 when the input expression evaluates to a valid integer, floating point number, money or decimal type

    So, .+- and currency signs are convertable and therefore they will be removed as well. However it would not be difficult to check for these in the input string and simply add it to the finall string.

    Bad heart for the function.

    '3E5' is valid floating point number.

    As well as 'PI()' and many other non-number strings.

    Not sure it's what OP needs.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Well spotted

    But because i take a single character at a time '3e5' will never be validated as a whole...

  • OK, what about '-', '.', ',', who knows what else?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sergiy, if you were reading my post a bit more carefully you would have noticed that it is only integer, floating point number, money or decimal types are returning 1. Hence .+- and all currency signs will return 1, as far as i can understand this list is exhaustive

  • I have found an interesintg function in msdb, seems like it is working much better





    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udfTRANSELATE] (@mixedString AS varchar(max))

    RETURNS varchar(max)



    DECLARE @resultString varchar(max), @tmpString char(1), @i int, @strLen int

    SELECT @resultString='', @i=0, @strLen=len(@mixedString)

    WHILE @strLen>=@i


    SELECT @tmpString=substring (@mixedString,@i/*character index*/,1/*one character*/)

    if msdb.dbo.ConvertToInt (@tmpString,11,11)=11

    SELECT @resultString=@resultString+@tmpString

    SELECT @i=@i+1


    RETURN @resultString


  • Max Yasnytskyy (10/17/2007)

    Sergiy, if you were reading my post a bit more carefully you would have noticed that it is only integer, floating point number, money or decimal types are returning 1. Hence .+- and all currency signs will return 1, as far as i can understand this list is exhaustive

    Yes, I read you post.

    But as my example with dot and comma shows this list IN NOT EXHAUSTIVE.

    And funny side is - list of allowed characters is way shorter then the list of exclusions from ISNUMERIC.

    Why not just use LIKE [0-9]?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sergiy (10/17/2007)

    Max Yasnytskyy (10/17/2007)

    Sergiy, if you were reading my post a bit more carefully you would have noticed that it is only integer, floating point number, money or decimal types are returning 1. Hence .+- and all currency signs will return 1, as far as i can understand this list is exhaustive

    Yes, I read you post.

    But as my example with dot and comma shows this list IN NOT EXHAUSTIVE.

    And funny side is - list of allowed characters is way shorter then the list of exclusions from ISNUMERIC.

    Why not just use LIKE [0-9]?

    Fair enough.

    How would you use LIKE [0-9] without making the query too complicated?

  • Max Yasnytskyy (10/17/2007)

    Fair enough.

    How would you use LIKE [0-9] without making the query too complicated?

    In your script:

    IF @TmpString NOT LIKE [0-9]

    Not too complicated?


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sergiy (10/17/2007)

    Max Yasnytskyy (10/17/2007)

    Fair enough.

    How would you use LIKE [0-9] without making the query too complicated?

    In your script:

    IF @TmpString NOT LIKE [0-9]

    Not too complicated?


    Can i have a working example please

    When i replace if msdb.dbo.ConvertToInt (@tmpString,11,11)=11

    with IF @TmpString NOT LIKE [0-9]

    i get

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure udfTRANSELATE, Line 11

    Invalid column name '0-9'.

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