Stored procedure returning wrong value ... -1

  • Let me describe wat my Stored Procedure(SP) shown below is doing before i explain the prob....

    CREATE procedure usp_msg_DeleteMultipleMsg


    @MessageList varchar(500),@mode char(10)





    CREATE TABLE #TempList


    MessageID numeric


    DECLARE @MessageID varchar(10), @Pos int

    SET @MessageList = LTRIM(RTRIM(@MessageList))+ ','

    SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @MessageList, 1)

    IF REPLACE(@MessageList, ',', '') <> ''


    WHILE @Pos > 0


    SET @MessageID = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@MessageList, @Pos - 1)))

    IF @MessageID <> ''


    INSERT INTO #TempList (MessageID) VALUES (CAST(@MessageID AS numeric)) --Use Appropriate conversion


    SET @MessageList = RIGHT(@MessageList, LEN(@MessageList) - @Pos)

    SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @MessageList, 1)




    update messagedetails set s_sentitems = 0

    where messagedetail_pk in (select MessageID from #TempList) and s_sentitems is null

    else if(@mode='read')

    update messagedetails set s_read = 1

    where messagedetail_pk in (select MessageID from #TempList) and s_read=0 and s_unread is null

    else if(@mode='unread')

    update messagedetails set s_unread = 1

    where messagedetail_pk in (select MessageID from #TempList) and s_unread=0 and s_read is null

    else if(@mode='r_pd')

    update messagedetails set s_permanentlydeleted = 1

    where messagedetail_pk in (select MessageID from #TempList) and (s_read=1 or s_unread=1)

    else if(@mode='s_pd')

    update messagedetails set s_sentitems = 1

    where messagedetail_pk in (select MessageID from #TempList) and s_sentitems=0


    return (1)


    return (0)



    It accepts comma seperated value(CSV) string containing a list of meggase id in @messagelist. First part of the SP parses the parameter @messagelist, picks up each message id in it and stores it in a temporary table, #templist. 2nd part of SP updates flags in my table "messagedetails" based on the parameter @mode. It is supposed to return 1 on success and 0 if there is any problem.

    My problem returns -1 when success and 0 on failure(which is correct). No matter what you return but it returns only -1 on success. I had this problem before in another SP which i overcame by removing the declared variables E.G. @messagelist and @pos. But it is not possible to get rid of it in this case......please help

  • What are you expecting to error? Or rather - what is the error condition you're expecting to capture?

    Although not necessarily the prettiest code ever - it doesn't look to me that it should routinely "fail" anywhere.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Thanks for the reply Matt,

    I just want to return 1 if the last statement( which will be one of the statements in else-if block) is executed successfully but it returns -1 on success. Is it because of the use of variables @messagelist or @pos...?

    As i have mentioned in my post earlier, I had a similar problem before in another SP which i overcame by removing all such variables(don't know why). It returns -1 on success no matter what is returned from the SP.

    There is one more thing, if instead of returning any value, a print statement E.G. print 'success' is given, then it works fine.........please help....

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