can we use do it without cursor?(may be join)

  • can anybody help me to get rid of the cursor in the stored proc below?

    CREATE PROC Update_Posting (@batchId varchar(50))


    DECLARE @caseNumber varchar(10)

    DECLARE @receiptAmount varchar(20)

    DECLARE update_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT CaseNumber, ReceiptAmount FROM currentpostings

    WHERE batchId = @batchId

    OPEN update_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM update_cursor

    INTO @caseNumber, @receiptAmount



    UPDATE CaseData SET TotalPaidIn = TotalPaidIn + @receiptAmount, BalanceOnHand = BalanceOnHand + @receiptAmount WHERE CaseNumber = @caseNumber

    FETCH NEXT FROM update_cursor

    INTO @caseNumber, @receiptAmount


    CLOSE update_cursor

    DEALLOCATE update_cursor


  • sorry for the typo in the topic field!

  • update cd

    SET TotalPaidIn = TotalPaidIn + cp.receiptamount

    , BalanceOnHand = BalanceOnHand + cp.receiptamount

    from casedata cd

    inner join currentpostings cp

    on cd.casenumber = cp.casenumber

    WHERE cp.batchid = @batchid

    Steve Jones

  • There two queries one using while function and the other without,both these queries donot use a cursor.


    CREATE PROC Update_Posting (@batchId varchar(50))


    WHILE EXISTS(SELECT CaseNumber, ReceiptAmount FROM currentpostings

    WHERE batchId = @batchId)


    UPDATE CaseData SET TotalPaidIn = A.TotalPaidIn + B.receiptAmount,

    BalanceOnHand = A.BalanceOnHand + B.receiptAmount FROM CaseData A INNER JOIN currentpostings B

    ON A.CaseNumber = B.CaseNumber



    CREATE PROC Update_Posting (@batchId varchar(50))


    UPDATE CaseData SET TotalPaidIn = A.TotalPaidIn + B.receiptAmount,

    BalanceOnHand = A.BalanceOnHand + B.receiptAmount FROM CaseData A INNER JOIN currentpostings B

    ON A.CaseNumber = B.CaseNumber AND B.BatchId = @BatchId

  • Try this

    UPDATE cd

    SET TotalPaidIn = TotalPaidIn + cp.TotRec, BalanceOnHand = BalanceOnHand + cp.TotRec

    FROM casedata cd


    (SELECT CaseNumber, SUM(ReceiptAmount) AS TotRec

    FROM currentpostings

    WHERE batchId = @batchId

    GROUP BY CaseNumber) AS cp

    ON cd.CaseNumber = cp.CaseNumber

    This should handle any CaseNumber where multiple postings occurr, they will only show one update but it will contain the full amount of all postings added in.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • thanks, Antares686.

    it worked!



    Try this

    UPDATE cd

    SET TotalPaidIn = TotalPaidIn + cp.TotRec, BalanceOnHand = BalanceOnHand + cp.TotRec

    FROM casedata cd


    (SELECT CaseNumber, SUM(ReceiptAmount) AS TotRec

    FROM currentpostings

    WHERE batchId = @batchId

    GROUP BY CaseNumber) AS cp

    ON cd.CaseNumber = cp.CaseNumber

    This should handle any CaseNumber where multiple postings occurr, they will only show one update but it will contain the full amount of all postings added in.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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