• Consider that SQL Server runs only on top of Windows, so we assume copy and paste between windows.  I edit complex scripts in one window, using the editor I use for all editing, and paste into the Query Analyzer window.  There is no reason for applications running on top of Windows to have their own built-in "intelligent" editors, each one of which would work slightly differently.  The editor I use has paren matching and all that, has had it for 20 years, because it is a **programmer's** editor. 

    I make a data dictionary in the format most convenient for me for every database I work with extensively; and with a macro in the editor and the data dictionary in a second window of the editing session, I can type "select 'table'" and have that become "select 'columnList'"-- no problem.

    About "alltrim()"-- please don't ask Microsoft to load SQL Server with unnecessary junk.  Like Bertrand Russell with respect to math, and inspired by Occam's Razor, I want the smallest set of functions possible that, when nested, build all capabilities.   

    "Look, those sheep have been shorn."
    data analyst replies, "On the sides that we can see.."