• Hello and thank you @SSCrazy Eights,
    I would like to see if SQL has the same problem as Python.
    In Python if you declare '@a' and '@b' as two variables of value '100' and you compare them you have a TRUE. But if you compare the same two variable with value '1000' you will have a FALSE.
    I't crazy, right? 
    This because Python has some cache logic that goes up till a certain numeric limit and then it just returns you a false. 

    I'm trying to archive the same with SQL and I would like to test a few data type so I changed your code to this:
    DECLARE @a numeric set @a = 100
    DECLARE @b-2 numeric set @b-2 = 100

      @strBoolean NVARCHAR(1000),
      @strSQL NVARCHAR(1000),
      @bResult BIT = 0

    SET @strBoolean = N'('@a'='@b' AND ('@a'='@b' OR '@a'='@b'))'        --returns 1
    --SET @strBoolean = N'(1=2 AND (1=1 OR 2=2))'                        --returns 0

    SET @strSQL = N'SELECT @bCheck = 1 WHERE '+@strBoolean
    EXEC sp_executesql @strSQL, N'@bCheck INT OUT', @bResult OUT

      (CASE @bResult
        WHEN 1 THEN 'True'
        ELSE 'False'
      END) result

    but SSMS returns me a:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 9
    Incorrect syntax near '@a'.

    Is there a way to execute the variables inside the "SET @strBoolean"?
    Thank you