• Here's some data to back me up:
        If your stored procedure took 15 minutes to run, you'd be doing this for 5,707,031.25 YEARS.  (Clearly impossible to accomplish)
        If your stored procedure took just 15 seconds to run, you'd have to do it for 11.41 YEARS.        (Same problem here)
        And if this thing runs for just 1 lousy second per execution, you'd still be busy for 2.85 YEARS. (Still not even close to practical)
        Finally, just to get this to happen in 24 hours, you'd need to get execution time down to less than 1 millisecond. (2 and 2/3 ten-thousandths of a second)

        And then to actually be practical, that procedure would probably have to run once over the weekend, because unless the procedure is totally trivial, I'll guess it runs longer than that sub-millisecond time-frame, but again, all that much longer and you never finish...

    EDIT:  Even 200 concurrent executions of the procedure (one for each table), would only bump your 24 finish time requirement to 1 1/3 100ths of a second per execution.  That's roughly 13 1/3 milliseconds.   Now add in the existing workload on your server to the equation....

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)