• Andy Warren - Thursday, June 21, 2018 3:10 PM

    Jeff, you're right that a lot of us are average. That's not bad, it's the nature of things. My premise is just a little different and that's whether you let them frame the salary negotiation based on average salary (not skill). The average they are using may or may not be a good number, and that number may or may not be one that you can live with. There's no perfect way to evaluate either your skill level or what you're worth, but it's helpful to try to assess both before the interview and if they disagree, at least explore why (even if its on your own after the interview). The technique I propose isn't one size fits all, just designed to get you thinking about that conversation. Are you negotiating or just taking what is offered?

    Some companies don't want superstars...or more honestly, they usually don't want to pay for superstars. Or they don't know what they cost! 

    Rod, feeling that way is normal. Sometimes we miss the question, miss the cue to respond a certain way, seem to care about the wrong things (salary, benefits). Not all first dates lead to second dates! Is it you or is it them is hard to figure out.


    I am going to very respectfully disagree that, "a lot of us are average."  Here's why, and I'd be delighted, should you think I am missing something if you'd let me know.  I think when many folks assert they are average that this is a way to avoid conflict.  I remember when in grade school that any kid that stood out was picked on.  "Poindexter", "four-eyes", "retard" and so forth.  The point being is we manage or control by having the power to exclude.  When we realize this isn't true, we start to discover what WE want to do or say or study to achieve.  And, some of us (thinking of my journey are dumb at times 😉 ) struggle more with this than others.  

    We "hide" in order to avoid exclusion.  We find that "being average" is a great place to express this.  

    I am a firm believer that everyone, in the sense of intrinsic value, is unique and that value exists regardless of anything else.  Call it Human Dignity, realized or not, but it's there.  There isn't a single one of us that does not at some point fall into some sort of statistical Bell Curve average of one sort or another.  But, I seriously doubt that anyone who manages to find this sort of hangout need to be too concerned about their data-related skills, even if nascent.  Not one.  

    I think we need to be reminded that, yes, I do not know "X", "Y" or "Z", to which I always add a mental addendum of, "yet."  Everything we know we have learned therefore if I do not know something I need to go and learn it.  Do I want to?  Am I interested and all of that as well.

    I think a lot of the schoolyard bullies that used putdowns for the purpose of control call themselves recruiters, managers, peers and maybe even pose as friends.  That's fine, while they may be in the process of abandoning their character I'll choose not to do so.  And, yes, many of my skills fall into the statistical average group, as well as below average for many skills and maybe a few above the curve.  Also, I am not inferring anyone here falls into any category.  I just take exception to the notion that some might allow someone else to use this vis a vis their career.  

    I'd be surprised if some didn't see this as a rant based on personal struggles I have had.  It is actually.  So?  You going to be a retard about it? LOL 😀

    I do not contribute much but this is one of the most civil and professional groups I have run across. I say that with 30+ years of being online. Not once have I not learned something here.