• soldout6000 - Monday, April 23, 2018 2:23 PM

    I'm doing all my calculations in the query, and showing them on ssrs.

    However, the following calculated field's value is not appearing is ssrs (it's blank). I don't know what could I be doing wrong here. When I run my query in toad, I get the values for perc_onsite.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    The following is the code snippet. All the other fields's values are appearing except for perc_site, perc_service, and perc_report.
    --display data select distinct market_location, market_code, onsite, lab_service, self_report, total_records, sum_site, sum_Service, sum_Report, sum_total_records, nvl(sum_onsite, 0)/nvl(sum_total_records, 1) perc_site, nvl(sum_LabService, 0)/nvl(sum_total_records, 1) perc_Service, nvl(sum_SelfReport, 0)/nvl(sum_total_records, 1) perc_fReport from rpt_report_data

    Your query is clearly PL/SQL, which means Oracle.   Is there any significance to the presence of "--display data" appearing prior to the actual query ?

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)