• prachin soparkar - Wednesday, April 18, 2018 10:19 AM

    I have a pull replication setup. Sometimes for one of the databases, after i drop the subscription and then while dropping publication i get the message "Cannot drop publication since one subscription exists".
    On the web i have seen few ways to solve such un-clean drops. But my question is, is there any way we can check if the drop is a clean drop or not?

    Thanks & Regards
    Prachin Soparkar

    I don't think there is any one place where the subscription gets orphaned. You would need to check all the tables involved when dropping a subscription. sp_dropsubscription calls sys.sp_MSrepl_dropsubscription which I think is only in the resource database. From what I remember, it checked subscriptions, subscribers and articles. You also need to check the subscriber database. Sometimes it's just a matter of running sp_subscription_cleanup at the subscriber.
