• sqlfriends - Thursday, February 15, 2018 4:07 PM

    I have a question about a correct term or word I should use;

    When we have a production server, and later somebody request to have a dev server install, with the almost same functionality  as production server
    what verb should I use,
    Duplicate production server to dev, 
    copy the server,
    replicate a server (which easy to confuse with replication, so I don't like)
    Clone the server,
    Mimic the production,


    I think you can put clone in your list. But, you probably need different solutions for different cases. Two tips,
    1. Is it necessary that Dev has as much data as PROD? For some cases on VLDBs, a data subset might be enough for DEV.
    2. Is there any sensitive data? If so, it might be risky to copy them to lower ENV.

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