Speed up query execution. Can we add an index or rewrite the query

  • I've been working on this query handed to me by a developer who wanted to reduce the query execution time even further. Currently, it takes almost around 40 secs and outputs 262K records. Based on the actual execution the query cost is more towards the clustered index scan on "CacheClients". However, I am not sure if adding a non clustered covering index would benefit it. Also, I see a table scan at the extreme bottom right of the plan and as per the developer they were testing with an index on that table but they weren't able to figure out an appropriate one that can fit the criteria which is basically they would join on the id fields and run queries based on date period.

    I've attached the query for reference. Please do let me know if there is anything else needed and I would be glad to provide the necessary information.

    USE [ABC]

    /****** Object: View [report].[vw_MonthlyDealAllocations]  Script Date: 11/24/2017 9:54:10 PM ******/


    --CREATE VIEW [report].[vw_MonthlyDealAllocations] as
    CONVERT(varchar(1), D.StageID) + ' - ' + DS.Stage Stage,
    ISNULL(D.AllocatedOfficeID, Dl.OfficeID) AS AllocatedOfficeID,
    ISNULL(D.AllocatedDepartmentID, Dl.DepartmentID) AS AllocatedDepartmentID,
      WHEN ISNULL(D.AllocatedDepartmentID, Dl.DepartmentID) = 1 THEN 'Investment Advisory'
      WHEN ISNULL(D.AllocatedDepartmentID, Dl.DepartmentID) = 2 THEN 'Debt/EP'
      WHEN ISNULL(D.AllocatedDepartmentID, Dl.DepartmentID) = 6 THEN 'HFF Securities'
      ELSE DM.Department
    END AS AllocatedDepartment,
    AO.Name AllocatedOffice,
      WHEN DP.DisplayWithOffice = 1 THEN AO.Name + ' ' + DP.ShortName
      ELSE AO.Name
    END AllocatedOfficeDept,
    Dl.DepartmentID DealDepartmentID,
    DX.Department DealDepartment,
    Dl.OfficeID DealOfficeID,
    DO.Name DealOffice,
      WHEN DP.DisplayWithOffice = 1 THEN DO.Name + ' ' + DP.ShortName
      ELSE DO.Name
    END DealOfficeDept,
      WHEN C.CountryID <> 1 THEN 'Foreign'
      ELSE R.Region
    END AS Region,
    Investor.ClientName MSA,
    Cl.ClientName RollupMSA,
    ITI.InvestorType PrimaryInvestor,
    ITC.InvestorType PrimaryClient,
    P.FirstName + ' ' + P.LastName AS PrimaryProducer,
    I.FirstName + ' ' + I.LastName AS IL_Producer,
    CASE Dl.isSecuritized
      WHEN 0 THEN 'No'
      WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes'
      ELSE ''
    END AS isSecuritized,
    CASE Dl.isServiced
      WHEN 0 THEN 'No'
      WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes'
      ELSE ''
    END AS isServiced,
    /*IIF (CASE
            WHEN D.isCompleted = 1 THEN D.VolumeCompleted
            WHEN (D.isPipeline = 1 OR D.StageID = 0) THEN D.VolumePipeline
            ELSE 0
        END >= 50000000,1,NULL
    ) AS Over50M, */
    IIF(Dl.PortfolioID IS NOT NULL, 1, NULL) AS isPortfolio,
    --IIF (isMultitransactional.linktype IS NOT NULL,1,NULL) AS isMultiTransactional,
    P.EmployeeID AS PrimaryProducerID,
    I.EmployeeID AS IL_ProducerID,
    --report.fnReportGetDealClients(D.DealID) Clients,
    --report.fnReportGetDealInvestors(D.DealID) Investors,
    IIF((Dl.isSecuritized = 1 AND ISNULL(ISNULL(ITID2C.InvestorType, ITI.InvestorType), 'Unknown') <> 'Agency'), 'Conduit/CMBS', ISNULL(ISNULL(ITID2C.InvestorType, ITI.InvestorType), 'Unknown')) AS InvestorType

    FROM report.MonthlyDealAllocations D
    INNER JOIN dbo.Deals Dl
    ON Dl.DealID = D.DealID
    INNER JOIN DealTypes DT
    ON DT.DealTypeID = Dl.DealTypeID
    INNER JOIN DealPlatforms DP
    ON DP.PlatformID = DT.PlatformID
    INNER JOIN DealStages DS
    ON DS.StageID = D.StageID
    LEFT JOIN Departments DM
    ON DM.DepartmentID = ISNULL(D.AllocatedDepartmentID, Dl.DepartmentID)
    LEFT JOIN Departments DX
    ON DX.DepartmentID = Dl.DepartmentID
    LEFT JOIN Offices AO
    ON AO.OfficeID = ISNULL(D.AllocatedOfficeID, Dl.OfficeID)
    LEFT JOIN Offices DO
    ON DO.OfficeID = Dl.OfficeID
    LEFT JOIN dbo.DealProperties DPP
    ON D.DealID = DPP.DealID
    AND DPP.IsMainProperty = 1
    LEFT JOIN PropertyTypes PT
    ON PT.PropertyTypeID = DPP.PropertyTypeID
    LEFT JOIN PropertyTypeGroups PTG
    ON PTG.GroupID = PT.GroupID
    LEFT JOIN DealProperties AS DPZ
    ON D.DealID = DPZ.DealID
    AND DPZ.isMainProperty = 1
    LEFT JOIN Assets AP
    ON DPZ.AssetID = AP.AssetID
    LEFT JOIN Cities C
    ON C.CityID = AP.CityID
    LEFT JOIN States S
    ON S.StateID = C.StateID
    LEFT JOIN Regions R
    ON ISNULL(C.RCARegionID, ISNULL(S.RCARegionID, S.RegionID)) = R.RegionID
    LEFT JOIN DealsToClients DTCC
    ON D.DealID = DTCC.DealID
    AND DTCC.isPrimary = 1
    AND DTCC.MemberType IN (1, 3)
    LEFT JOIN DealsToClients DTCI
    ON D.DealID = DTCI.DealID
    AND DTCI.isPrimary = 1
    AND DTCI.MemberType IN (2, 4)
    LEFT JOIN CacheClients Cl
    ON DTCC.ClientID = Cl.ClientID
    LEFT JOIN CacheClients Investor
    ON DTCI.ClientID = Investor.ClientID
    LEFT JOIN InvestorTypes ITI
    ON Investor.InvestorTypeID = ITI.InvestorTypeID
    LEFT JOIN InvestorTypes ITC
    ON Cl.InvestorTypeID = ITC.InvestorTypeID
    --LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT D2D.DealID, D2D.LinkType FROM DealsToDeals D2D WHERE LinkType = 2) isMultitransactional ON D.DealID = isMultitransactional.DealID
    LEFT JOIN DealsToEmployees EP
    ON D.DealID = EP.DealID
    AND EP.MemberType = 1
    AND EP.isPrimary = 1
    LEFT JOIN DealsToEmployees EI
    ON D.DealID = EI.DealID
    AND EI.MemberType = 2
    AND EI.isPrimary = 1
    LEFT JOIN Employees P
    ON EP.EmployeeID = P.EmployeeID
    LEFT JOIN Employees I
    ON EI.EmployeeID = I.EmployeeID
    LEFT JOIN DealFinancingMethods DFM
    ON Dl.DealFinancingMethodID = DFM.DealFinancingMethodsID
    LEFT JOIN InvestorTypes AS ITID2C
    ON DTCI.InvestorTypeID = ITID2C.InvestorTypeID
    --LEFT JOIN (SELECT DealID, COUNT(QuoteID) AS QtCt FROM Quotes WHERE DateRemoved IS NULL GROUP BY DealID) QCount ON D.dealid = Qcount.DealID


    Below is the index that they added.

    USE [ABC]

    /****** Object: Index [IX_MonthlyDealAllocations_DealID_AllocDeptID_AllocOfficeID]  Script Date: 11/24/2017 11:43:00 PM ******/
    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_MonthlyDealAllocations_DealID_AllocDeptID_AllocOfficeID] ON [report].[MonthlyDealAllocations]
    [DealID] ASC,
    [AllocatedDepartmentID] ASC,
    [AllocatedOfficeID] ASC
    INCLUDE ([PeriodStartDate],

  • Quick question, can you run the query with OPTION (MAXDOP 1) and post the actual execution plan? The paralellism is causing lots of noise and my thought is that it's doing more harm than good.
    Could you also post the DDL (create table & indices) scripts, makes it easier to analyse the query and the execution plan 😉

  • All these functions on your join criteria like this one are going to prevent index use and slow down performance:
    ISNULL((DD..AllocatedDepartmentIDAllocatedDepartmentID,, DlDl..DepartmentIDDepartmentID))
    Every one of those will lead to table or index scans preventing any good index
    use. Also, the fact that you're not filtering the data at all with any kind of WHERE clause means you're going to moving all of some of the data, again, scans. Tuning to move all the data out of a set of tables like this is much more about hardware than indexing.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Grant Fritchey - Saturday, November 25, 2017 6:43 AM

    All these functions on your join criteria like this one are going to prevent index use and slow down performance:
    ISNULL((DD..AllocatedDepartmentIDAllocatedDepartmentID,, DlDl..DepartmentIDDepartmentID))
    Every one of those will lead to table or index scans preventing any good index
    use. Also, the fact that you're not filtering the data at all with any kind of WHERE clause means you're going to moving all of some of the data, again, scans. Tuning to move all the data out of a set of tables like this is much more about hardware than indexing.

    Thanks! Grant. Could you please provide a way to get rid of these ISNULL functions or try to use it in a manner so that at least proper indexes can be put to good use. I know this stuff is a bit more complex in the way it is written.

  • Eirikur Eiriksson - Friday, November 24, 2017 11:27 PM

    Quick question, can you run the query with OPTION (MAXDOP 1) and post the actual execution plan? The paralellism is causing lots of noise and my thought is that it's doing more harm than good.
    Could you also post the DDL (create table & indices) scripts, makes it easier to analyse the query and the execution plan 😉

    I will do it right away. I tried doing it with option (maxdop 1) it is taking around 20 to 24 secs but this time is also in accordance to the time it takes if I add the index below and let it run in parallel.

    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_CacheClients_ClientID_InvestorTypeID] ON [dbo].[CacheClients]
    [ClientID] ASC,
    [InvestorTypeID] ASC

  • Here is a quick suggestion as a starting point, (probably better to keep the maxdop 1)

      ,ISNULL(D.AllocatedOfficeID, Dl.OfficeID)   AS AllocatedOfficeID
      ,ISNULL(D.AllocatedDepartmentID, Dl.DepartmentID) AS AllocatedDepartmentID
      FROM   report.MonthlyDealAllocations   D
      INNER JOIN dbo.Deals         Dl
      ON    Dl.DealID        = D.DealID
      INNER JOIN dbo.DealTypes        DT
      ON    DT.DealTypeID       = Dl.DealTypeID
      INNER JOIN dbo.DealPlatforms       DP
      ON    DP.PlatformID       = DT.PlatformID
      INNER JOIN dbo.DealStages        DS
      ON    DS.StageID        = D.StageID
    ,CONVERT(varchar(1), BD.StageID) + ' - ' + BD.Stage Stage
      WHEN BD.AllocatedDepartmentID = 1 THEN 'Investment Advisory'
      WHEN BD.AllocatedDepartmentID = 2 THEN 'Debt/EP'
      WHEN BD.AllocatedDepartmentID = 6 THEN 'HFF Securities'
      ELSE             DM.Department
     END AS AllocatedDepartment
    ,AO.Name AllocatedOffice
      WHEN BD.DisplayWithOffice = 1 THEN AO.Name + ' ' + BD.ShortName
      ELSE AO.Name
     END AS AllocatedOfficeDept
    ,BD.DepartmentID DealDepartmentID
    ,DX.Department DealDepartment
    ,BD.OfficeID DealOfficeID
    ,DO.Name DealOffice
      WHEN BD.DisplayWithOffice = 1 THEN DO.Name + ' ' + BD.ShortName
      ELSE DO.Name
     END DealOfficeDept
      WHEN C.CountryID <> 1 THEN 'Foreign'
      ELSE R.Region
     END AS Region
    ,Investor.ClientName MSA
    ,Cl.ClientName RollupMSA
    ,ITI.InvestorType PrimaryInvestor
    ,ITC.InvestorType PrimaryClient
    ,P.FirstName + ' ' + P.LastName AS PrimaryProducer
    ,I.FirstName + ' ' + I.LastName AS IL_Producer
    ,CASE BD.isSecuritized
      WHEN 0 THEN 'No'
      WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes'
      ELSE   ''
     END AS isSecuritized
    ,CASE BD.isServiced
      WHEN 0 THEN 'No'
      WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes'
      ELSE   ''
     END AS isServiced
    ,SIGN(BD.PortfolioID) AS isPortfolio
    ,P.EmployeeID AS PrimaryProducerID
    ,I.EmployeeID AS IL_ProducerID
    ,IIF((BD.isSecuritized = 1 AND ISNULL(ISNULL(ITID2C.InvestorType, ITI.InvestorType), 'Unknown') <> 'Agency')
      , 'Conduit/CMBS', ISNULL(ISNULL(ITID2C.InvestorType, ITI.InvestorType), 'Unknown')) AS InvestorType

    FROM    BASE_DATA        BD
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Departments      DM
    ON     BD.AllocatedDepartmentID  = DM.DepartmentID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Departments      DX
    ON     BD.DepartmentID     = DX.DepartmentID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Offices       AO
    ON     BD.AllocatedOfficeID   = AO.OfficeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Offices       DO
    ON     BD.OfficeID      = DO.OfficeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealProperties     DPP
    ON     BD.DealID       = DPP.DealID
    AND     DPP.IsMainProperty    = 1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.PropertyTypes     PT
    ON     PT.PropertyTypeID    = DPP.PropertyTypeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.PropertyTypeGroups    PTG
    ON     PTG.GroupID      = PT.GroupID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealFinancingMethods   DFM
    ON     BD.DealFinancingMethodID  = DFM.DealFinancingMethodsID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealProperties     DPZ
    ON     BD.DealID       = DPZ.DealID
    AND     DPZ.isMainProperty    = 1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Assets        AP
    ON     DPZ.AssetID      = AP.AssetID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Cities        C
    ON     C.CityID       = AP.CityID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.States        S
    ON     S.StateID       = C.StateID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Regions       R
    ON     R.RegionID      = COALESCE(C.RCARegionID, S.RCARegionID, S.RegionID)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealsToClients     DTCC
    ON     BD.DealID       = DTCC.DealID
    AND     DTCC.isPrimary     = 1
    AND     DTCC.MemberType     IN (1, 3)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealsToClients     DTCI
    ON     BD.DealID       = DTCI.DealID
    AND     DTCI.isPrimary     = 1
    AND     DTCI.MemberType     IN (2, 4)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.CacheClients      Cl
    ON     DTCC.ClientID     = Cl.ClientID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.CacheClients      Investor
    ON     DTCI.ClientID     = Investor.ClientID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.InvestorTypes     ITI
    ON     Investor.InvestorTypeID  = ITI.InvestorTypeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.InvestorTypes     ITC
    ON     Cl.InvestorTypeID    = ITC.InvestorTypeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealsToEmployees    EP
    ON     BD.DealID       = EP.DealID
    AND     EP.MemberType     = 1
    AND     EP.isPrimary      = 1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealsToEmployees    EI
    ON     BD.DealID       = EI.DealID
    AND     EI.MemberType     = 2
    AND     EI.isPrimary      = 1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Employees       P
    ON     EP.EmployeeID     = P.EmployeeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Employees       I
    ON     EI.EmployeeID     = I.EmployeeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.InvestorTypes     ITID2C
    ON     DTCI.InvestorTypeID   = ITID2C.InvestorTypeID

  • ffarouqi - Saturday, November 25, 2017 2:57 PM

    Grant Fritchey - Saturday, November 25, 2017 6:43 AM

    All these functions on your join criteria like this one are going to prevent index use and slow down performance:
    ISNULL((DD..AllocatedDepartmentIDAllocatedDepartmentID,, DlDl..DepartmentIDDepartmentID))
    Every one of those will lead to table or index scans preventing any good index
    use. Also, the fact that you're not filtering the data at all with any kind of WHERE clause means you're going to moving all of some of the data, again, scans. Tuning to move all the data out of a set of tables like this is much more about hardware than indexing.

    Thanks! Grant. Could you please provide a way to get rid of these ISNULL functions or try to use it in a manner so that at least proper indexes can be put to good use. I know this stuff is a bit more complex in the way it is written.

    It probably requires restructuring the database. You're taking the first column that is null, but that means a calculation against the columns. If it was just about "This OR That" you could use the OR clause. However this is about having to run that calculation against each value in the table to find the ones that match. I can't immediately answer the question of what to do to fix this because I don't know what the data structure and data are that are forcing you to make this choice.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Eirikur Eiriksson - Sunday, November 26, 2017 2:46 AM

    Here is a quick suggestion as a starting point, (probably better to keep the maxdop 1)

      ,ISNULL(D.AllocatedOfficeID, Dl.OfficeID)   AS AllocatedOfficeID
      ,ISNULL(D.AllocatedDepartmentID, Dl.DepartmentID) AS AllocatedDepartmentID
      FROM   report.MonthlyDealAllocations   D
      INNER JOIN dbo.Deals         Dl
      ON    Dl.DealID        = D.DealID
      INNER JOIN dbo.DealTypes        DT
      ON    DT.DealTypeID       = Dl.DealTypeID
      INNER JOIN dbo.DealPlatforms       DP
      ON    DP.PlatformID       = DT.PlatformID
      INNER JOIN dbo.DealStages        DS
      ON    DS.StageID        = D.StageID
    ,CONVERT(varchar(1), BD.StageID) + ' - ' + BD.Stage Stage
      WHEN BD.AllocatedDepartmentID = 1 THEN 'Investment Advisory'
      WHEN BD.AllocatedDepartmentID = 2 THEN 'Debt/EP'
      WHEN BD.AllocatedDepartmentID = 6 THEN 'HFF Securities'
      ELSE             DM.Department
     END AS AllocatedDepartment
    ,AO.Name AllocatedOffice
      WHEN BD.DisplayWithOffice = 1 THEN AO.Name + ' ' + BD.ShortName
      ELSE AO.Name
     END AS AllocatedOfficeDept
    ,BD.DepartmentID DealDepartmentID
    ,DX.Department DealDepartment
    ,BD.OfficeID DealOfficeID
    ,DO.Name DealOffice
      WHEN BD.DisplayWithOffice = 1 THEN DO.Name + ' ' + BD.ShortName
      ELSE DO.Name
     END DealOfficeDept
      WHEN C.CountryID <> 1 THEN 'Foreign'
      ELSE R.Region
     END AS Region
    ,Investor.ClientName MSA
    ,Cl.ClientName RollupMSA
    ,ITI.InvestorType PrimaryInvestor
    ,ITC.InvestorType PrimaryClient
    ,P.FirstName + ' ' + P.LastName AS PrimaryProducer
    ,I.FirstName + ' ' + I.LastName AS IL_Producer
    ,CASE BD.isSecuritized
      WHEN 0 THEN 'No'
      WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes'
      ELSE   ''
     END AS isSecuritized
    ,CASE BD.isServiced
      WHEN 0 THEN 'No'
      WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes'
      ELSE   ''
     END AS isServiced
    ,SIGN(BD.PortfolioID) AS isPortfolio
    ,P.EmployeeID AS PrimaryProducerID
    ,I.EmployeeID AS IL_ProducerID
    ,IIF((BD.isSecuritized = 1 AND ISNULL(ISNULL(ITID2C.InvestorType, ITI.InvestorType), 'Unknown') <> 'Agency')
      , 'Conduit/CMBS', ISNULL(ISNULL(ITID2C.InvestorType, ITI.InvestorType), 'Unknown')) AS InvestorType

    FROM    BASE_DATA        BD
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Departments      DM
    ON     BD.AllocatedDepartmentID  = DM.DepartmentID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Departments      DX
    ON     BD.DepartmentID     = DX.DepartmentID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Offices       AO
    ON     BD.AllocatedOfficeID   = AO.OfficeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Offices       DO
    ON     BD.OfficeID      = DO.OfficeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealProperties     DPP
    ON     BD.DealID       = DPP.DealID
    AND     DPP.IsMainProperty    = 1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.PropertyTypes     PT
    ON     PT.PropertyTypeID    = DPP.PropertyTypeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.PropertyTypeGroups    PTG
    ON     PTG.GroupID      = PT.GroupID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealFinancingMethods   DFM
    ON     BD.DealFinancingMethodID  = DFM.DealFinancingMethodsID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealProperties     DPZ
    ON     BD.DealID       = DPZ.DealID
    AND     DPZ.isMainProperty    = 1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Assets        AP
    ON     DPZ.AssetID      = AP.AssetID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Cities        C
    ON     C.CityID       = AP.CityID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.States        S
    ON     S.StateID       = C.StateID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Regions       R
    ON     R.RegionID      = COALESCE(C.RCARegionID, S.RCARegionID, S.RegionID)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealsToClients     DTCC
    ON     BD.DealID       = DTCC.DealID
    AND     DTCC.isPrimary     = 1
    AND     DTCC.MemberType     IN (1, 3)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealsToClients     DTCI
    ON     BD.DealID       = DTCI.DealID
    AND     DTCI.isPrimary     = 1
    AND     DTCI.MemberType     IN (2, 4)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.CacheClients      Cl
    ON     DTCC.ClientID     = Cl.ClientID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.CacheClients      Investor
    ON     DTCI.ClientID     = Investor.ClientID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.InvestorTypes     ITI
    ON     Investor.InvestorTypeID  = ITI.InvestorTypeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.InvestorTypes     ITC
    ON     Cl.InvestorTypeID    = ITC.InvestorTypeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealsToEmployees    EP
    ON     BD.DealID       = EP.DealID
    AND     EP.MemberType     = 1
    AND     EP.isPrimary      = 1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealsToEmployees    EI
    ON     BD.DealID       = EI.DealID
    AND     EI.MemberType     = 2
    AND     EI.isPrimary      = 1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Employees       P
    ON     EP.EmployeeID     = P.EmployeeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Employees       I
    ON     EI.EmployeeID     = I.EmployeeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.InvestorTypes     ITID2C
    ON     DTCI.InvestorTypeID   = ITID2C.InvestorTypeID

    Thanks! but it didn't help any better...it is still in the same execution range.

  • The query returns every single record from the "Allocations" table joined to every single relevant record in lookup tables.
    Since you've got no record filtering, it may be only table (clustered index) scan and hash join.
    not much can be done about it.

    The only issue I can spot in the execution plan is here:

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Employees   P
    ON  EP.EmployeeID  = P.EmployeeID

    This join brings the number of records from 262k to 365k, which means - there are either duplicate EmployeeID's in
    dbo.DealsToEmployees  EP or multiple EmployeeID's are assigned to the same deal (assuming EmployeeID is a PK in dbo.Employees)

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • ffarouqi - Sunday, November 26, 2017 2:15 PM

    Eirikur Eiriksson - Sunday, November 26, 2017 2:46 AM

    Here is a quick suggestion as a starting point, (probably better to keep the maxdop 1)

      ,ISNULL(D.AllocatedOfficeID, Dl.OfficeID)   AS AllocatedOfficeID
      ,ISNULL(D.AllocatedDepartmentID, Dl.DepartmentID) AS AllocatedDepartmentID
      FROM   report.MonthlyDealAllocations   D
      INNER JOIN dbo.Deals         Dl
      ON    Dl.DealID        = D.DealID
      INNER JOIN dbo.DealTypes        DT
      ON    DT.DealTypeID       = Dl.DealTypeID
      INNER JOIN dbo.DealPlatforms       DP
      ON    DP.PlatformID       = DT.PlatformID
      INNER JOIN dbo.DealStages        DS
      ON    DS.StageID        = D.StageID
    ,CONVERT(varchar(1), BD.StageID) + ' - ' + BD.Stage Stage
      WHEN BD.AllocatedDepartmentID = 1 THEN 'Investment Advisory'
      WHEN BD.AllocatedDepartmentID = 2 THEN 'Debt/EP'
      WHEN BD.AllocatedDepartmentID = 6 THEN 'HFF Securities'
      ELSE             DM.Department
     END AS AllocatedDepartment
    ,AO.Name AllocatedOffice
      WHEN BD.DisplayWithOffice = 1 THEN AO.Name + ' ' + BD.ShortName
      ELSE AO.Name
     END AS AllocatedOfficeDept
    ,BD.DepartmentID DealDepartmentID
    ,DX.Department DealDepartment
    ,BD.OfficeID DealOfficeID
    ,DO.Name DealOffice
      WHEN BD.DisplayWithOffice = 1 THEN DO.Name + ' ' + BD.ShortName
      ELSE DO.Name
     END DealOfficeDept
      WHEN C.CountryID <> 1 THEN 'Foreign'
      ELSE R.Region
     END AS Region
    ,Investor.ClientName MSA
    ,Cl.ClientName RollupMSA
    ,ITI.InvestorType PrimaryInvestor
    ,ITC.InvestorType PrimaryClient
    ,P.FirstName + ' ' + P.LastName AS PrimaryProducer
    ,I.FirstName + ' ' + I.LastName AS IL_Producer
    ,CASE BD.isSecuritized
      WHEN 0 THEN 'No'
      WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes'
      ELSE   ''
     END AS isSecuritized
    ,CASE BD.isServiced
      WHEN 0 THEN 'No'
      WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes'
      ELSE   ''
     END AS isServiced
    ,SIGN(BD.PortfolioID) AS isPortfolio
    ,P.EmployeeID AS PrimaryProducerID
    ,I.EmployeeID AS IL_ProducerID
    ,IIF((BD.isSecuritized = 1 AND ISNULL(ISNULL(ITID2C.InvestorType, ITI.InvestorType), 'Unknown') <> 'Agency')
      , 'Conduit/CMBS', ISNULL(ISNULL(ITID2C.InvestorType, ITI.InvestorType), 'Unknown')) AS InvestorType

    FROM    BASE_DATA        BD
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Departments      DM
    ON     BD.AllocatedDepartmentID  = DM.DepartmentID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Departments      DX
    ON     BD.DepartmentID     = DX.DepartmentID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Offices       AO
    ON     BD.AllocatedOfficeID   = AO.OfficeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Offices       DO
    ON     BD.OfficeID      = DO.OfficeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealProperties     DPP
    ON     BD.DealID       = DPP.DealID
    AND     DPP.IsMainProperty    = 1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.PropertyTypes     PT
    ON     PT.PropertyTypeID    = DPP.PropertyTypeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.PropertyTypeGroups    PTG
    ON     PTG.GroupID      = PT.GroupID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealFinancingMethods   DFM
    ON     BD.DealFinancingMethodID  = DFM.DealFinancingMethodsID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealProperties     DPZ
    ON     BD.DealID       = DPZ.DealID
    AND     DPZ.isMainProperty    = 1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Assets        AP
    ON     DPZ.AssetID      = AP.AssetID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Cities        C
    ON     C.CityID       = AP.CityID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.States        S
    ON     S.StateID       = C.StateID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Regions       R
    ON     R.RegionID      = COALESCE(C.RCARegionID, S.RCARegionID, S.RegionID)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealsToClients     DTCC
    ON     BD.DealID       = DTCC.DealID
    AND     DTCC.isPrimary     = 1
    AND     DTCC.MemberType     IN (1, 3)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealsToClients     DTCI
    ON     BD.DealID       = DTCI.DealID
    AND     DTCI.isPrimary     = 1
    AND     DTCI.MemberType     IN (2, 4)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.CacheClients      Cl
    ON     DTCC.ClientID     = Cl.ClientID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.CacheClients      Investor
    ON     DTCI.ClientID     = Investor.ClientID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.InvestorTypes     ITI
    ON     Investor.InvestorTypeID  = ITI.InvestorTypeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.InvestorTypes     ITC
    ON     Cl.InvestorTypeID    = ITC.InvestorTypeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealsToEmployees    EP
    ON     BD.DealID       = EP.DealID
    AND     EP.MemberType     = 1
    AND     EP.isPrimary      = 1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.DealsToEmployees    EI
    ON     BD.DealID       = EI.DealID
    AND     EI.MemberType     = 2
    AND     EI.isPrimary      = 1
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Employees       P
    ON     EP.EmployeeID     = P.EmployeeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Employees       I
    ON     EI.EmployeeID     = I.EmployeeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.InvestorTypes     ITID2C
    ON     DTCI.InvestorTypeID   = ITID2C.InvestorTypeID

    Thanks! but it didn't help any better...it is still in the same execution range.

    As I said earlier, this is a starting point, post the actual execution plan for this query and we can take it from there.

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