• I found a method that guarantees the order is retained. No other method I found worked 100%.
    Declare @X xml;
    SELECT @X=Cast('<X>'+Replace([BulkColumn],Char(13)+Char(10),'</X><X>')+'</X>' as XML)
    FROM OPENROWSET (BULK N'\\FileServer\ImportFolder\ImportFile_20170120.csv',SINGLE_CLOB) T
    SELECT [Record].[X].query('.').value('.','varchar(max)') [Record]
    --Into #TEMP
    FROM @X.nodes('X') [Record](X);

    This imports each row into a single column but adds an ID column incremented in the order each row was read.  A general BULK IMPORT does not retain record order when inserting into the target table.
    This was tested on Sql2008R2.