SSAS Multi-dimensional OR R?

  • Sorry for the lame topic... Just wondering what are the advantages of MDM vs R with Tabular.  Or is this an apples vs oranges question?

    If I want to learn Multi-dimensional, I have to install another instance of the database engine and then SSAS Multi-dimensional and (maybe) R. (Paco Gonzalez showed that at SQL Saturday in Nashville, but I'm such a noob that I don't remember it all that well.)

    I already have 2016 with Tabular installed.  Where to from here? Thanks!

  • Yep - apples and oranges. 

    Multi-Dimensional and Tabular will both give you analytical cubes, but both have weaknesses and strengths, choose your type carefully. 
    R - best to read up -
    The same question was asked on ...

    Personal advise, but maybe I would suggest starting with a tabular to unpack what you require from your data, and work from there.

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Uh oh, one of those "Reading Is Fundamental" things... Off to go read a little... Thanks!

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