• Hi Chris, Hoseam, (Arno Ho - I love your view solution ... see alternative below without creating view)

    (I know I'm coming in late on this subject I only joined today... but I have a solution for the insert without specifying fields nor having to create dynamic SQL)

    There is every good reason for not specifying fields in an insert statement in order to ensure all new fields exist in the source and destination tables!
    When dynamic inserts are performed you have to ensure your source table has all the latest fields. If not, the program will fail.

    Just as one can get caught time for not specifying all fields in an explicit insert statement (specifying all fields in the insert), it is FAR WORSE(as far as I'm concerned) if you omit new fields that need to be included. 

    The below very simple solution ensures that you always have all fields in the insert statement without dynamic SQL,

    The only catch is to keep a standard of having your identity column as the last column in your table(s). (works in a similar way to Arno Ho's view concept)

    Solution in summary: Create a temp table from the destination table, remove the identity column, update the temp table and safely apply an "implicit" insert (no columns specified).

    Example ...

    /*0. create test destination table for you*/ select 'Mr. Robin Rex' as CustomerName, identity(int,1,1) as CustomerID into dbo.Destination_table -- drop table dbo.Destination_table

    /*1. Create the #Temp table from the destination table: */ select top 0 * into #Source from dbo.Destination_table -- DROP TABLE #Source

    /*2. This is key of the solution! */ alter table #Source drop column CustomerID

    /*3. Create new data or what ever it is you need to do */ insert into #Source select 'Mrs. Tom' union all select 'Dr. French'

    /*4. The following will then work NO FIELDS SPECIFIED! */ insert into dbo.Destination_table select * from #Source

    /*5. look at the results! */ select * from dbo.Destination_table

    No dynamic coding! No field specified in the insert!