Home Forums Programming SMO/RMO/DMO What happens if a user tries to execute some SMO object when they have low priorities? RE: What happens if a user tries to execute some SMO object when they have low priorities?

  • I know this website is for DBAs, but I thought I'd share with you all what I've found so far. I'm pursuing using SMO, primarily because it looks like it will give me what I need for databases, not just at the server level. I've found 2 links that are helpful from Microsoft's MSDN website.

    Managing Uses, Roles, and Logins and  Create a Visual C# SMO Project in Visual Studio .NET. You need to look at those 2 links. After you've done that I'd like to share with you how I've changed the code for C# in the first link. Here it is:

    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo;
    namespace SmoListLogins
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
            static private void ListLogins()
                //Server srv = new Server();  //local database - i.e.: localhost
                Server srv = new Server("YOURDATABASEINSTANCE");
                //Iterate through each database and display.  
                foreach (Database db in srv.Databases)
                    Console.WriteLine("Login Mappings for the database: " + db.Name);
                    Console.WriteLine(" ");
                    //Run the EnumLoginMappings method and return details of database user-login mappings to a DataTable object variable.  
                    DataTable d;
                        d = db.EnumLoginMappings();
                        //Display the mapping information.  
                        foreach (DataRow r in d.Rows)
                            foreach (DataColumn c in r.Table.Columns)
                                Console.WriteLine(c.ColumnName + " = " + r[c]);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Error processing database: {db.Name}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Error: {ex.Message}");

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.