• Robin Riversong - Friday, February 24, 2017 12:16 PM

    Hello Des ,  

    Your solution works brilliantly, thank you so much! Sorry about the image of xml.. wanted to use color coding to illustrate the issue.. Also although I troll forums from time to time, I hardly ever post, so still figuring out forum etiquette.

    I can see what I need to do next (load the Table Variable from the blob rather than from static xml)  but because I am new to shredding, I have no idea how to accomplish this. 

    The xml is VERY inconsistent, I can see that there is an opening tag that contains an ID attribute <Education ID="1000"> for each instance of this node. Most of time, but not all of the time, the first ID attribute is 1000.. but not always.. 

    So, as near as I can figure, I want to load the table variable with every instance of the xml that follows the Education ID attribute opening tag through the last closing tag </Education>  Alternately, every education node does appear to consistently have an <InstitutionName> element that appears to always have a value (you can see the guy I inherited this code from was using the CROSS APPLY to get the nodes associated with the <InstitiutionName> element in the loop through)

    Do you have any suggestions as to how to load the Table Variable from the blob stored in a SQL table (CAQH_Return_XML) with just the nodes I'm interested in.. in this case every node that starts with an education ID attribute  (ex: ) <Education ID="1000">? or that contains the <InstitutionName> element?

    Thanks again for your help on this.. invaluable..

    You do not need to use a table variable. I simply used one to provide a sample in a similar format to your original question.

    Try using the code directly against your table.

      T.rows.value('(../NPI/text())[1]','varchar(40)') AS [NPI]
    , T.rows.value('(../LastName/text())[1] ','varchar(40)') AS [LastName]
    , T.rows.value('(InstitutionName/text())[1]','varchar(500)') AS [InstitutionName]
    , T.rows.value('(City/text())[1]','varchar(500)') AS [City]
    , T.rows.value('(State/text())[1]','varchar(500)') AS [State]
    , T.rows.value('(StartDate/text())[1]','date') AS [StartDate]
    , T.rows.value('(EndDate/text())[1]','date') AS [EndDate]
    , T.rows.value('(CompletionDate/text())[1]','date') AS [CompletionDate]
    , T.rows.value('(Degree/DegreeAbbreviation/text())[1]','varchar(40)') AS [DegreeAbbreviation]
    , T.rows.value('(ProgramCompletedFlag/text())[1]','varchar(40)') AS [ProgramCompletedFlag]
    , 1 AS [DegreeNumber]
    FROM dbo.CAQH_Return_XML
    CROSS APPLY FileInfo.nodes('Provider/Education') T(rows);

    If this doesn't work, please provide us with a complete section of XML.  It must contain enough for us to see the path into the specific nodes in question.