• Rechana Rajan - Monday, February 20, 2017 2:13 AM

    I have observed that for some tables the statistics have not been updated for a long time but the rowmodctr value is very high. Can anyone help me understand why this behaviour? We have Ola maintenance task and the index fragmentation are under check.

    stats_last_updated_time    rowmodctr
    2017-02-12 14:37:53.490    1560298
    2016-11-04 01:01:01.003    571813
    2016-11-04 01:01:05.610    571813
    2016-11-04 01:01:23.843    571813
    2016-11-24 13:16:15.550    449629
    2016-11-04 01:02:15.633    390993
    2016-12-14 17:38:22.253    340247
    2016-11-30 11:29:52.470    281436
    2016-11-04 01:00:50.560    218732
    2017-01-09 12:19:28.500    187580

    have you scheduled a stats update task with Ola's scripts


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉