• Gazareth - Tuesday, January 17, 2017 12:12 PM

    Take a look at rs.exe

    Although my preferred method would have been to restore a backup of the ReportServer database to the new server.
    You can still do this, just save (or move them into source control - I can't recommend this enough) & reupload/deploy your modified rdl files after the restore.

    Final and least favourite option would be to script moving the rows yourself - you'll need some way to map the reports between the old & new servers. Tables involved are dbo.Catalog, dbo.Schedule, dbo.Subscriptions, dbo.ReportSchedule

    If you could help me how to join the SCHEDULE table ( See my code below ) that would help me a lot.
    I think I can then start the work on my own. 

    Select *
    [Catalog] rpt
    inner join Subscriptions s on (s.Report_OID = rpt.ItemID)
    inner join ReportSchedule rs on (rs.SubscriptionID = s.SubscriptionID )