• yrstruly (12/8/2016)

    Thank you i manged to get it right.

    Please will you share what you did? It will help anyone who's having a similar problem to yours.

    On page 99 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByFnKe4djAO-d29ZTUJrbExhbzQ) they give this expression: YEAR(GETDATE()) - YEAR((DT_DATE)BirthDate

    I get an error when trying to do this. I left this out and manage to finish the task, only to have no data loaded in the table or am i wrong?

    The reason for the error is given at the very top - there is no such column as BirthDate. Is this in a Data Flow? Make sure that the BirthDate column is among the output columns of the previous source or transformation, and in the input columns of the one the error appears in. I can't be any more specific than that without seeing the whole package.
