Merge Output statement [Combine Deleted.* with Inserted.*]

  • Hi All,

    I've created a merge statement which Deletes, Inserts and Updates a table, this is working as intended.

    I'm now attempting to get the Output results to write to a second table so I can record what the Deletes, Inserts and Updates.

    Issue: I'm needing the output of all the Deleted, Inserted and Updated rows (Deleted.* will give me Deletes and Updates and Inserted.* will give me Inserts and Updates)

    When I select all from Deleted.* an Inserted.* it inserts each row twice, however I can't choose just deleted as then I can't get the insert values, and I also can't choose just inserted as then I don't get the deleted values. is it possible to get the output of Deletes, Updates & Inserts without having it duplicate the update row, therefore adding each column twice? Please see screenshot below of what it appears like.



    $Action, deleted.*, inserted.*


  • You're seeing the before (deleted.*) and after (inserted.*) picture. You can't do that with a single set of columns. What are you trying to do where this is causing problems?


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • You can join Deleted & Inserted so you can include columns of both in one result set. Just make sure you have a unique key to join on.

    There are some performance risks, especially if you are touching a lot of records at once.

    (A solid design is always preferable to a creative workaround)

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