• robert.sterbal 56890 (12/2/2016)

    joeroshan (12/2/2016)

    robert.sterbal 56890 (12/1/2016)

    How is the script licensed?

    Hi Robert

    I do not have any problem someone using the script to help their job done easy. In fact that is the point of publishing it no?

    If you are asking about republishing, please check with SSC for guidelines.

    The guidelines are that they have licensed the content from you.

    Your content may or may not be copyrighted. I'm asking for your permission to use it in any case.

    I always forget about the identity column issue, is there a way of addressing it?

    You have my permission to use it, but with no warranties 😀

    I am not clear on your question on identity columns. It is possible to truncate a table with identity column(and no FKs). But the behaviour is different between truncate and delete. Truncate will reset the identity value but delete do not. So if you want to retain the identity max value for the tables some reason , you have to use DBCC CHECKIDENT

    Roshan Joe

    Jeff Moden -Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]