Home Forums Data Warehousing Analysis Services OLE DB or ODBC error: Operation canceled; HY008 | Not allowed...columns...one side...many-to-one relationship RE: OLE DB or ODBC error: Operation canceled; HY008 | Not allowed...columns...one side...many-to-one relationship

  • PB_BI (11/15/2016)

    Your problem data:

    "Column 'device_key' in Table 'Device' contains a duplicate value '1234567879' "

    If it's not meant to be this way then dedupe the data and reprocess.

    The problem was that I had tested a SSIS package that I made a mod too, and left the table with data, where I should have truncated it, so when I deployed, it moved new data in, dup'd the rows, and that was the error. I had thought it was something wrong in the cube itself, it was not. Truncated the data with the SSIS Package, problem fixed.