• mjh 45389 (7/4/2016)

    First of all I would like to wish everyone "All the Best on Independence Day"!

    There are rumours that the UK will have its own Independence Day as a result of the referendum to leave the EU (23rd June). The result worries me because it was so close and also the facts were not presented well prior to the vote - two totally opposing sides that could not have grown up articulate debates. We are already seeing some effects from the result from some people trying to inspire hatred against Eastern Europeans to shopkeepers hiking prices because we have left the EU. It's all quite depressing!

    We still haven't left. We haven't even committed to leaving yet.

    When I was about 15 (circa 1986) I was discussing the European Economic Community (later to become the European Community [1993] then the European Union [2009]) with my Mother over dinner. I predicted that the EEC would expand beyond all manageability and end by disolution before 2050 or end by war before 2150.

    I was reading a lot of Sci-Fi at the time including geo-political Sci-Fi so was heavily influenced by that. Some of what I read are likely to have been metaphores for the big power blocs of the time (USA, Western Europe, Soviet Bloc, China etc.) so I probably can't even claim it as much of an original idea.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!