• philand3 (10/23/2016)

    Dear All,

    i would like to send out following query to all email users daily basis,can anyone guide me the direction,

    it can be from SQL or external tool,ETC.

    SELECT * ,[action_id],DBO.UtcToLocal(creation_date) as Creation_Date,[event_name]

    ,[person_num] FROM [dbo].[TEST] WHERE preffered_name = 'finance' AND dbo.UtcToLocal(creation_date) >getdate()-50 AND dbo.UtcToLocal(creation_date)>dateadd(dd,-52,convert(date,getdate()))


    So, can we assume that you've looked into using sp_send_mail? What problems did you encounter?

    --Edit: by the way, 'preferred' is spelt wrongly in your query.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.