• Iulian -207023 (10/17/2016)

    Revenant (10/14/2016)

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (10/14/2016)

    Iulian -207023 (10/13/2016)

    Nice one, but I thought there is a way to pass just the script's name.

    The same way there is catalog for SSIS and a reporting DB for SSRS, it would be nice to be able to create an R library on SQL Server.



    The script can be a variable. Putting this separate makes it easier to read.

    This is more flexible than it seems. You can put R script into SQL code and in that R you can call SQL that calls another R script, there is no stated limit how deep you can go.

    You can keep your R scripts in a simple table, and more importantly, you can store your trained models in a table and pass them to R just for evaluation, which is devilishly fast. Nice symbiosis.

    (Yes, this hits my hot button. 🙂 )

    Yes, it make sense to keep the R script on a variable or to load it from a table.



    Very powerful because it sounds like a delegate, treating a function as a variable, sending functions as parameters.

    There is support for this sort of things in T-SQL using EXECUTE, but this R seems to add more functionality through the packages it comes with.

    By the way, what is the execution context for R? Is there a console or something to see what packages are installed or how can I install more packages ?

