• Hmm, I would rather do this in the SQL code ...

    I scrapped up the following >>

    with cte as


    selectcast('20140701' as date) as cteDate

    Union all

    selectdateadd(d, 1,c.cteDate)

    fromcte as c

    wherec.cteDate <'20140731'


    ,nextCte as


    select top 1


    min(cteDate) Over (Partition by NULL) as minDate,

    max(cteDate) Over (Partition by NULL) as maxDate

    from cte





    datediff(d, minDate, maxDate) as numDaysBetween,

    dateadd(d, datediff(d, minDate, maxDate)/2,minDate) as averageDate

    from nextCte

    If gives me the average day of 7/16 for the month of July. You may need to do some tweaking for when the number of days between divided by two is not a whole number (like employ datetime instead of date). See if this gets you going.
