Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Calculate time difference between two related visitors without using cursor RE: Calculate time difference between two related visitors without using cursor

  • Sergiy (9/29/2016)

    valeryk2000 (9/29/2016)

    Testing update:

    J Livingston's code runs OK - same results as in Sergiy's.

    Thanks a lot!

    Actually, our codes return quite different results.

    Probably not on the set you're looking at, but nevertheless.

    Here is the script where you can see several cases when those scripts act differently:

    CREATE TABLE #mytable(


    ,ArrivalDateTime DATETIME NOT NULL


    -- same time

    INSERT INTO #mytable(ID,ArrivalDateTime) VALUES (10001000,'20160820 22:25');

    INSERT INTO #mytable(ID,ArrivalDateTime) VALUES (10001000,'20160820 22:25');

    -- exactly 72 hours between admissions

    INSERT INTO #mytable(ID,ArrivalDateTime) VALUES (10001072,'20160728 11:08');

    INSERT INTO #mytable(ID,ArrivalDateTime) VALUES (10001072,'20160731 11:08');

    -- more than 1 readmission within 72 hours

    INSERT INTO #mytable(ID,ArrivalDateTime) VALUES (10001003,'20160729 14:53');

    INSERT INTO #mytable(ID,ArrivalDateTime) VALUES (10001003,'20160730 11:14');

    INSERT INTO #mytable(ID,ArrivalDateTime) VALUES (10001003,'20160731 16:21');

    -- no < 72 hours readmission for 1st appointment, but there is one for a second one

    INSERT INTO #mytable(ID,ArrivalDateTime) VALUES (10001023,'20160729 14:53');

    INSERT INTO #mytable(ID,ArrivalDateTime) VALUES (10001023,'20160822 15:12');

    INSERT INTO #mytable(ID,ArrivalDateTime) VALUES (10001023,'20160824 09:15');

    -- 2 pairs of readmissions - <72 hours within each pair, > 72 hours between pairs

    INSERT INTO #mytable(ID,ArrivalDateTime) VALUES (10001202,'20160729 14:53');

    INSERT INTO #mytable(ID,ArrivalDateTime) VALUES (10001202,'20160730 11:14');

    INSERT INTO #mytable(ID,ArrivalDateTime) VALUES (10001202,'20160819 08:21');

    INSERT INTO #mytable(ID,ArrivalDateTime) VALUES (10001202,'20160821 09:34');

    WITH pt AS (

    SELECT Id,

    MAX(CASE WHEN rn = 1 THEN at END )AS at1,

    MAX(CASE WHEN rn =2 THEN at END) AS at2

    FROM (

    SELECT Id,

    dbo.#mytable.ArrivalDateTime AS at,


    FROM #mytable) x

    group by id)

    SELECT Id,



    DATEDIFF(hh, at1, at2) AS hrdiff

    FROM pt

    WHERE(DATEDIFF(hh, at1, at2) < 72);

    select A1.[ID], A1.[ArrivalDateTime], AN.ArrivalDateTime NextAdmissionDatetime

    from [dbo].#mytable A1

    INNER JOIN [dbo].#mytable AN ON A1.ID = AN.ID

    and AN.ArrivalDateTime > A1.ArrivalDateTime

    and AN.ArrivalDateTime <= DATEADD(hh, 72, A1.[ArrivalDateTime])

    Order by 1,2,3

    DROP TABLE #mytable

    I can't tell which is right and which is wrong.

    You'll have to verify the outcome of both scripts against the business rules in place.

    to confirm what I originally posted

    .....so here is one method for you to try..it might not be the best...and assume that you only have two rows per ID.

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day