Home Forums Programming General Update Rows across tables sequentially RE: Update Rows across tables sequentially

  • I tried doing the old updateable view thing, but that wouldn't work because of a union in the view definition...

    Here's a suggestion...

    You'll need to create a temporary table (or table variable) as a middle ground for sorting, and then update the base tables. Here's some sample / demo code that shows the solution I have in mind:

    USE tempdb;

    CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT, description varchar(MAX));

    CREATE TABLE t2 (id INT, description VARCHAR(MAX));


    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c'),(80,'eighty');

    INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (12, 'twelve'),(58,'58'),(70,'seventy'),(92,'92');

    DECLARE @ttemp TABLE (id INT, description VARCHAR(MAX), rownum INT NULL) -- or use a temporary table...

    INSERT INTO @ttemp (id, description, rownum)

    SELECT foo.id, foo.description, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY foo.id) FROM (

    SELECT id, description FROM t1


    SELECT id, description FROM t2 ) foo;

    --SELECT * FROM @ttemp

    UPDATE t1 SET id = ttemp.rownum

    FROM @ttemp ttemp

    WHERE dbo.t1.id = ttemp.id

    UPDATE t2 SET id = ttemp.rownum

    FROM @ttemp ttemp

    WHERE dbo.t2.id = ttemp.id

    SELECT * FROM dbo.t1

    SELECT * FROM dbo.t2

    Thomas Rushton
    blog: https://thelonedba.wordpress.com