• Eirikur Eiriksson (9/26/2016)

    No, a session cannot deadlock itself and there are two different spids in there, spid="186" & spid="200".


    On the other hand, this looks like a multi threaded Entity Framework application where one thread is deadlocking another. I can easily see few of these

    (@0 varchar(20),@1 varchar(max) ,@2 datetime2(7))INSERT [dbo].[MessageLog]([AppModule], [ErrorMessage], [CreatedDate])

    VALUES (@0, @1, @2)

    SELECT [oid]

    FROM [dbo].[MessageLog]

    WHERE @@ROWCOUNT > 0 AND [oid] = scope_identity() running at the same time causing a little congestion.

    Thanks Eirikur. You are right these are from Entity Framework application. I have created index on table MessageLog on column Oid and i think it resolved the issue. Do you think still there can be chances.