• IRL11 (8/30/2016)

    Thank you for your reply, I have a feeling these files may be too much for XMLBulkLoader however I will have a look at the links you sent and see if I can get them to work. No doubt I will be back in touch shortly

    This should get you a fair amount of the way there. This is a bit of brute force, but it does get you there:

    ;with structCTE as

    (select --distinct

    b.value('text()[1]','varchar(400)') as NodeValue,

    b.value('local-name(.)','varchar(400)') as Node,

    b.value('local-name(..)','varchar(400)') as l1,

    b.value('local-name(../..)','varchar(400)') as l2,

    b.value('local-name(../../..)','varchar(400)') as l3

    ,b.value('local-name(../../../..)','varchar(400)') as l4

    ,b.value('local-name(../../../../..)','varchar(400)') as l5

    ,b.value('local-name(../../../../../..)','varchar(400)') as l6

    ,b.value('local-name(../../../../../../..)','varchar(400)') as l7

    ,b.value('local-name(../../../../../../../..)','varchar(400)') as l8

    ,c.value('local-name(.)','varchar(400)') as attname

    ,c.value('.','varchar(400)') as attvalue

    from (select top 1 * from #RsXMLLoad) x

    cross apply [Message].nodes('//*') a(b)

    outer apply b.nodes('@*') b(c)


    XMLsummary as (

    select case when l1='' then ''

    when l2='' then l1+'/'

    when l3='' then l2+'/'+l1+'/'

    when l4='' then l3+'/'+l2+'/'+l1+'/'

    when l5='' then l4+'/'+l3+'/'+l2+'/'+l1+'/'

    when l6='' then l5+'/'+l4+'/'+l3+'/'+l2+'/'+l1+'/'

    when l7='' then l6+'/'+l5+'/'+l4+'/'+l3+'/'+l2+'/'+l1+'/'

    when l8='' then l7+'/'+l6+'/'+l5+'/'+l4+'/'+l3+'/'+l2+'/'+l1+'/'

    else l8+'/'+l7+'/'+l6+'/'+l5+'/'+l4+'/'+l3+'/'+l2+'/'+l1+'/'


    case when l1='' then 1

    when l2='' then 2

    when l3='' then 3

    when l4='' then 4

    when l5='' then 5

    when l6='' then 6

    when l7='' then 7

    when l8='' then 8

    else 9


    case when l1='' then 0

    when l2='' then 1

    when l3='' then 2

    when l4='' then 3

    when l5='' then 4

    when l6='' then 5

    when l7='' then 6

    when l8='' then 7

    else 8



    nodevalue,nullif(attname,'') attname,attvalue

    from structCTE s)

    select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by (select null)) Rn,



    xpath+Node xml_path,

    xpath xml_parent_path,

    Node xml_data_name,

    NodeValue ElementValue,

    Attname as AttributeName,

    AttValue as AttributeValue

    from XMLsummary

    Note: this is hardcoded to handle a max depth of 9 (to the "deepest element"). You could certainly add more levels if you need although I'd question the sanity of transport model if it goes a lot deeper.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?