• JALLYKAMOZE (8/25/2016)

    J Livingston SQL (8/25/2016)

    I asked a similar question on one of your earlier posts.....

    for example

    "ProgramFirstday" = 1

    "ContractDetailFirstDay" = 7

    how do you determine whether this is 6 day delay OR 1 day early?

    The initial table has 0 false or 1 true for each day of the week, i used case expressions to return the first day of the week with 1 (true)as first day and same for the program table

    to enable me know the difference between the days from contract and program tables , i passed values eg, 7 for monday, 6 for tuesday and so on, and the same for the program table . so if the first day of the contract table is monday 7 and the first day for the program table is tuesday 6? then the difference will be 1 day=7-6

    1)i want to be able to convert this difference of 1 day to seconds

    2) i also want to convert the diffrence between the contract start time and program start time to seconds, eg, if the difference is 2 hrs, convert it to seconds

    add both together to give us the delay seconds

    1) Multiply by 86400.

    2) Multiply by 3600.

    Add (1) and (2). Which part is the difficult part?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.